The Sussex thread!

What do you think?
I recieved 6 sexed SS pullets from MPC last week. They should have been 1 week old yesterday. one has 3 rows of feathers on her wings and started a tail none of the others are showing this she is larger than the others. Did I get an older chick that managed a 3 day trip or? any ideas. I can take pics if you want.
maybe I did not write the above correctly I ment that I thought the one was very much more developed than the other normally developing chicks, I just checked again and the top layer of her wing feathering is starting to come in.
i've got 10 or so eggs set to hatch this coming weekend, from my light x coro sussex. can't wait to see what i get

to the person asking about other colors and their dispositions- i acquired mine at a year or so old about two months ago, and they had not been handled, not been allowed out of their run or coop. i keep mine in a covered run attached to their coop, but allow them out to free range during the day. they don't like me to handle them, but they will come within a foot or so of me to eat corn (treats). the rooster is very protective and attentive, not eating until the hens eat, and he is very respectful to me. he'll talk to me, but he very rarely shows his feathers and crows at me anymore. he's probably a year and a half, judging by the length and thickness of his spurs, and i'm hoping he continues to be this respectful and a pleasure to have around.
helo susexs lovers i have coronation and lite susexs in LF i also have batam lite susexs and working on bantam coronation
i cant tell you how
i should have F1 on the grownd by next spring last try. I got a trio (plus a few extra roos) this past weekend. They are hatchery birds, but look pretty good so far! They are 17 weeks I think. I'll keep all 4 roos until I decide which one I want to keep. Hopefully 3rd time is the charm with these birds because my first two attemtps were not good at all.
Everyone is sleeping at my house right now- -- but I have some week olds (6 days old tomorrow) that I will look at for you.

Thank You math ace
Here are some pics first group shot she is center left

then 2 pics of her


and a few of the other chicks they were sent on 5- 23- 11 so I guess they were sent that day? so 8 days old now



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