The Sussex thread!

Not sure if this will help you any, but with our two SS one was quicker to feather than the other. I too thought maybe the one was older but, turned out the slower one was a roo.
Not sure if this will help you any, but with our two SS one was quicker to feather than the other. I too thought maybe the one was older but, turned out the slower one was a roo.

Boy, I hope that is not the case, 1 roo I could handle but I would pitch a fit over 5
Okay, I know I'm partial, but seriously, I have the MOST BEAUTIFUL Light Sussex in the WHOLE WORLD.
Again, don't anyone take it the wrong way, but I just am totally in love with my little fluffball. She's not only gorgeous, but super sweet, calm, funny, huggable, squeezable, I should have named her "Charmin" LOL.

Presenting...... Daisy! My Mother's Day present, that I got to pick her out from Patty's flock (OntheSpot). I'm guessing she's around 12-14 weeks old. I got her April 30th.


For all you roos.... she's taken... my little Phoenix roo has already won her heart. I honestly thought she'd go for the Cochin roo, but the little guy won this time. ....don't worry, I won't be hatching any Phussex when she starts laying.... that would just be weird.
That would be nice!! But unfortunately, I've taken in too many "unwanted" roos to get anymore right now. I'm one of those suckers that feels so sorry for the boys that people give away for free. I actually like to hear them crowing
. If I get anymore, my hens will suffer.
And I can't do that to them.
This was my speckled susex Buster, sorry I don't have a better pic of him. He was the prettiest rooster I've ever owned, a wild dog got him one day along with his hens they will all be missed



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