The Sussex thread!

Out of those three it's no wonder SS are your favorite! lol. (not at all a RIR fan here)

I am beginning not to be a fan of RIR's either....they are not social or friendly at all. I just had a bunch of people in my area say that they were the best to get. I have decided that I will not get any more

On a different note can someone snap a picture of their SS eggs and post on here. My daughter says she knows what egg is our SS hens egg is but i just want to see if it is so.
Does anyone have young male SS pics like around 6-10weeks old??
I got 6weeks old SS and 2 of them has different shape tails than others...
5 of them has slightly up tails (like 45degree angle-ish) and 2 has almost 90degree angle tails. Looks like sticking up from between tip of the 2 wings.
I'm worry that they are not roo....
I asked the same question several pages back. My SS are now 13 1/2 weeks old and I was wondering if mine were girls. Someone had a picture on here where I commented on with SS that were 8 weeks old. There were boys and girls in the picture and it was very obvious which ones were which. There were 3 roos in the picture. From what I see, it should be very obvious by the crop and waddles...but this is my first time raising chickens.
I'm still looking for an organic SS roo and possibly for an organic chicken currently laying eggs...maybe an Easter Egger or Australorpe, Delaware, Buff Orpington, Light Sussex, Plymouth Rock...or another chicken that is good natured, friendly and a good layer.

I'm in the Albany, NY area.
I saw 7weeks old SS pics. My chicks are 6weeks but no one has that big comb like that.
So I guess they are all girls??? Still fingers crossing!!!
If you are looking for SandS look over on the Turkey thraeds. Steve has posted there several times this week. A friend of a friend got a SS from a hatchery in an assortment. He is trying to find out for me what hatchery. At a yard show this lady brought the SS hen to show. Am told it was excellent show quality, yet from a hatchery.

Sometimes if you order 100 pullets, a few will be good enough quality to show.
Good luck to ya!

In Arkansas the dog owner must pay the value of the bird plus the value of what its potential offspring would be. Wish you well. Be sure to take a copy of the SOP, poultry press and copies of greenfire website.
geez, these things are maturing late
so I am back to thinking my suspected roo that I then thought was a pullet is actually a cockeral

"he" has started posturing and the pullet keeps ducking and not challenging "him", also noticed the tail feathers a getting a bit longer, but still no sickle feathers, go figure. I will get a new pick soon and ruffle "him" up to look for those feathers again

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