so some of you recieved your eggs real early if they are due to hatch in 5-6 days... WOW!!! I wonder how my eggs that I shipped to Indiana are doing???
runamuck ~~ glad to hear you're incubating is going well.

21 days sure seems to be flying by for you quickly !!!

I received my eggs about four or five days ago all safe and sound, thank you so much Secret Swapper!!
Now if you'll show your identity, I'll be completely content.

I sent mine out around February 15th or so, wondering who received them... I think I found her, not sure though!
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I am just popping in to say that due to a bunch of stuff I just got my eggs out on Monday. Please forgive, I tried to get them out last Friday but didn't make it. Please don't be mad:) I had a bunch of little baby chickies die, my daughter broke around half of my eggs:-(, and we are starting to homeschool a freind's daughter along with mine. It was all just a little too much for me. I am back on track now though.
I also got my eggs out late. My hens went on strike for 10 days and didnt lay a single egg till friday the 29th!!! I got one egg friday i think 1 on saturday 3 on sunday and 3 on monday. I worked tuesday subbing but the egs went out Wens, so they should get there today or tomarrow.

Welcome Mustang!

On a brighter note! I got a reshipment from my swap partner! She didn't have to do it, lord knows, but I received them today and I can't be more excited about it! They went in tonight!!! Thank you Yolanda!

I checked a couple of them last night and I believe they look pretty good.I'm waiting a few more days and I will check them all.I have a total of 30 eggs in the bator, yours and some of mine.

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