The Tummy tucking flab busters of BYC 2012

I'm still @ 180#'s but I hope to increase my resistance level in my work out as this week progresses.I'm currently doing 230 push ups"in sets of 20ea.@ two minute intervals while riding the stationary bike.I'm thinking I will stay at this level for two weeks and then increase the first 5 sets to 25 ea. and then in another 2 weeks increase the subsequent sets to 25 also.We will see if I can maintain this level let alone the increase.I'm really a slacker at heart.If not for my wife I'd have no motivator anyway.
Karl - my hero! Wow your doing good!!!!!!!!! Just don;t cripple yourself

OMG - I just have to share this!!!!!!! My Jeans just got wear holes in - you know how it is when you have a really nice pair of jeans and they wear just inside the top of your legs because you always seem to get FAT there and it rubs. So you have a great pair of comfy jeans but you can;t wear them anymore. They were slightly on the baggy side since I lost weight so I went into town to swap a blouse I bought before holiday as it came a uk size 14 which I was and am no longer! Thats a US size 10. Anyhow the sizes in the store were all marked up European or US so I was a wee bit lost. I found an assistant and she helped me to understand the sizes. I told her I wanted a size 12 UK - well I have a BIG BUM so thought I better go 12 and try it on and if it was on the small side I would go back up a size. Anyhow I picked up the nearest jeans which were a straight swap in price for the blouse. Gosh they looked tiny! The girl took one look at my backside and anounced I might like to go up a size !!!!!!!! Anyhow I looked at the tags and it read size 30/30. Which converted to size 12 uk. I thought no way>? I took them to the changing area and thought my fat thighs are surely not going into these! I started to pull them on and OMG my thighs just slipped on in there. Then I thought no way will I get them done up but I pulled the top together and the zip glided into place without any pulling! I was amazed!!!!!!! I took them off and looked at the tag and it read - SKINNY/SLIM!!!!!!!!!
Wow I have not been thought of in terms of Skinny slim in years! Well I went straight out to that "assistant" and bought them!!!!!!! Go up a size my backside!!!
To top it all off DD came to visit while I was wearing my new jeans and she was all - "Oh mummy your bum looks smaller did you lose weight?????" But then there was the put down! "But you really shouldn't be wearing brown with those!" Ha ha I was really extatic especially since DD needs a wide load warning since she had our grandaughter!!!!! No more big bum mum jokes ha ha now dd is jealous. I even managed to get my lovely long boots on over the top of them and do the boots up so no more fat ankles!!!!! Yesterday I wore my jeans and boots with a tight fitting sweater and a lovely necklance. DD didn;t say a word NOT one word!!!!!!! So I asked her when exactly she was joining the GYM she had mentioned! - OUCH!
Time to get my own back!

Oh and my scales finally said 9stone 13 lbs! I am sooo looking forward to get 9stone 9 lbs and be into single figures at long last! Then I am going back to the store to get jeans at UK size 10 which is I believe a size US 6.

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Wow! If you are a US size 6 then you really are a skinny chick! - Good for you! How is your hubby doing with his fitness?

Not quite yet I am a US size 8 so I have a bit to go though the blouse I got on line that came was a US size 10 and drowned me. It worked out a UK 14. I was once a UK size 16-18 so yes I have lost a lot of weight. I am only just 5 foot tall so every lb shows. I am tiny really so when the weight is on I just look like a ball with a little head and tiny feet flopping out!

I am looking forward tog etting into a US size 6 asap!!!!!

Oes - getting smaller!

Oh ment to say hubby is really sick again no excersize as he isn;t able to manage it. But he is a terrible one for turning up with toffees!
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Wow good show Oesdog! I'm shooting for size 33 waist and already have a pair of jeans to wear when it is attained.I bought them 2 years ago,but they have never been out of the closet. I tried them this morning and I have an inch to go to squeeze into them.
Back to the bicycle!
Good for you Karl. - I am hoping to keep getting the lbs off. I weighed myself and am now down to 9 stone and 12 lbs!!!!!! So I only have to lose another 2 lbs before my BMI chart stops calling me FAT!!! I only have 3 lbs to lose untill I get down to single figures 9 stone 9 lbs! Now that would be wonderful! I have enjoyed my food this month I have to say. I have not been as hard on myself as I was on the FAT COW diary. I just couldn;t keep that up. But I am still quite hard on things like lots of carbs and fatty foods. I have enjoyed treats like donuts and a chinese! Well if you can;t enjoy your food you might as well be dead right? I love food. I have so had to look very close at what goes into my mouth though. If I eat a fatty thing I cut back the next meal etc. So I am doing ok. I am sooo pleased that I am starting to get into smaller sizes and I am no longer looking like a heffalump! It was wonderful going into the shop and picking up a pair of jeans and not having to shoe horn them on! I know I have a way to go and would love to get another stone off but we will see how I get on. Good for you though Karl!!!!!!!!!!

Hope I can make the cut.That shoe horn thing is funny.I always tease my DD about painted on jeans and blouses.
I just wanted to post a pic of me and how muscle DOES sit differently on the body....I used to obsess with the scale and I am not saying my body type is what anyone strives to be....I have been a bigger girl, I have been a skinny skinny girl (due to hyperthryoid). what I thought was interesting was what 148 lbs looked like when i was 17 weeks pregnant vs what the same weight (give or take a few pounds) looks like as muscle:

I had to stop obsessing over what the scale said, and it didn't click until I saw photos where I saw what I looked like at a certain weight. the scale is not indicative of what I am capable and how strong I am now!


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