The Tummy tucking flab busters of BYC 2012

I have a couple more slots open to find a few more people who are absolutely at the point of committing themselves to a 30 day challenge. I really feel that support, accountability and motivation are key, and I know I need that type of system around me as I stride further along on my journey. If you, or spouse, coworkers, whoever, think you're at that point, drop me a message if you'd like to hear more about it!

Not a drop of pressure...nothing to lose except some wreight, lol!
Awesome work! I deadlifted 115 a couple days ago. And squatted .8 BW last week. Love to see folks doing weightlifting. It's amazing how much it affects your body - in a good way.
Hi sweety - how are you doing? Your hubby still feeding you too much of his good cookin'? Maybe you should try weightlifting instead of dieting - that might work better. Then you could claim you're fueling your weightlifting. ;-)
I'm in! I started working out May of last year. I was able to gain muscle, while maintaining the same inches, but the extra 10 lbs on the scale was disappointing. I took the holidays off from working out, due to two consecutive shoulder injuries and just started up again. I've also starting juicing. Not a cleanse, just trying to improve my diet. My friend is training for a Spartan Sprint, so we're working together to get in shape. The family's heading to the coast for Spring Break, so I want to drop 15 lbs. by mid-March. DH doesn't think I can lose that much within that timeframe. He's either a fool or is completely brilliant, because now I'm irritated and more determined!

Now I have to go buy a new battery for the scale (been putting that off).
My computer is not as happy with this new format as I wished it could be. I need this for encouragement but I have been waiting for all of the new adds and pretty colors to load... for too long.
Maybe this is eggsactly what i need. less computer more outta the house time.
When I get a newer computer I will be on more.
good luck, and be good and I hope by the time I talk to all of you again we will all be healthy and thin... and HAPPY!
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I managed to work out through a cold and even on my birthday, but this Sunday my husband was sick and I missed my workout for the first time this year.
I'm back on track, though, and hoping that eventually working out will become a part of my daily routine. I get jealous of people who enjoy being active (my husband is one). Even when I was in good shape and going to the gym every day, it was more about getting to have an hour to myself to think and listen to music than actual fitness. The only way I'm able to keep up with my fitness goals now is to marry them to something more to my tastes...I watch movies on my iPad or listen to an audiobook during my workout. I feel guilty, but I think I'm just by nature a sedate bookworm!
I managed to work out through a cold and even on my birthday, but this Sunday my husband was sick and I missed my workout for the first time this year.
I'm back on track, though, and hoping that eventually working out will become a part of my daily routine. I get jealous of people who enjoy being active (my husband is one). Even when I was in good shape and going to the gym every day, it was more about getting to have an hour to myself to think and listen to music than actual fitness. The only way I'm able to keep up with my fitness goals now is to marry them to something more to my tastes...I watch movies on my iPad or listen to an audiobook during my workout. I feel guilty, but I think I'm just by nature a sedate bookworm!

I'm right there with you, exercise even what I like (yoga) is always a chore, I always have to force myself no matter how long I've been doing it or how fit I am. Everyone talks about the happy little endorphins that kick in and make it pleasurable, but I don't have those at all!!!!!!!!
Is it too late to join? I need to loose some weight and make a lifestyle change. I've been trying to find a way to be accountable and posting on here to others just may be the trick.
I was dragging my own feet, and it was too late to sign up for our Crossfit's 3 C challenge but I was allowed to finagle my way in. I wanted to know my own progress in Crossfit, and I wanted to be accountable for a goal.

Besides getting in shape for just me, I just found out that we earned a trip to Atlantis, Bahamas this March for earnng 50 points with Team Beachbody (the company I work for). So, there is the self imposed pressure of looking nice for vacation photos. We are not planning on bringing the kids, lol!

So now I am gonna ramp up my physical efforts to get into bikini ready shape...but I like group challenges just for support and accountability. I am forming one here locally, because I think everyone needs to have group accountability like here!

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