The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

One of my ancona ducks over doses on mushed pineapple! its so funny she mouths it and gulps it up!
My ducks LOVE dried mealworms in their water. They also really like bananas and cheerios with a little milk poured over them. I REALLY want to try the frozen fruit block idea because my ducks LOVE eating ice chips and snow this winter...
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I just got my first ducks (5 days old) and have been wondering what treats I can give them. I love the ice treat idea! I'm a little confused about the dandelions though. Do I give them the whole thing? Or just the green leaves?
I feed my ducks dandelion leaves. I don't recall if it was mentioned here yet, but I wanted to toss this out - ducklings and ducks need grit to chew their food with. Before feeding ducklings regular food as opposed to crumbles or pellets, they need some grit in their tummies. I sprinkled a tiny tiny bit of chick-sized grit on their food once a day for a week before feeding them anything other than crumbles, and kept giving a little grit until they were outdoors regularly, where they can ingest their own from the soil.

Here's a little writeup about the organ that chews, in ducks.


Once the food moves through the upper digestive tract, it enters the ventriculus, more commonly known as the gizzard. This thickly muscled organ essentially functions as a duck's "teeth." The ventriculus often contains grit (sand or small stones), which aids in mechanically breaking down large food items. Protein digestion is also initiated in the gizzard.
Wow this is great info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely amazing what I learnt from this site! I am definitely going to try the Bok Choy, peas, rice and feeder fish!! I have a feeling that my ducks, geese, chickens and turkeys are absolutely going to love it! I have a question about bread though. I know I read all these reports about how bad bread is for ducks. and if anyone is guilty its me, I am almost 17 and for a good 16 years I have and am a guilty culprit of feeding bread!!! I have raised and been around ducks geese chickens etc. my whole life and have fed bread to all of my animals (including my ducks especially) forever. My ducks absolutely love it and it is by far their favourite treat. now that I am older I moderate their bread consumption so no problems such as impacted crops. I have had ducks and geese live for over 10 years who have eaten bread their whole lives. my ducks are allowed to move around freely, have access to water almost 24/7 and are consuming good levels of grit for digestion, vitamins and minerals. If my ducks are well balanced in nutrition, exercise and in good health, can bread be a good once and a while treat? Because rice and spaghetti are listed as treats and there is not much nutrition in those either, so if moderately fed bread should be fine as well, right? as said before moderation is key, too much of anything is never good. just like milk is not good for ducks but dairy may be fed and given to them in moderation.

plus i was wondering if turtle food would be fine for ducks as well. i used to own two turtles and the ducks would always love to eat their foods. one was a kind of dried up shrimp, the other was a pellet.

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