The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

My 4 juvinile Mallards' favorite treat is... chick weed!
They like grapes, apple slices, scratch, and strawberries, but chickweed makes them go crazy!
They also like sweet feed a good bit.
My male Prkin's favorite treat is sweetfeed and 1/2'ved grapes.
My 4 juvinile Mallards' favorite treat is... chick weed!
They like grapes, apple slices, scratch, and strawberries, but chickweed makes them go crazy!
They also like sweet feed a good bit.
My male Prkin's favorite treat is sweetfeed and 1/2'ved grapes.
Ha ha my Mallards LOVE chick weed also!
thank you so much for this awesome list of duck food and treats. I can't wait to see what my duckies like and dislike now. =) can't wait to go to the grocery store for once and get them some treats. hehe! amazing! =)
There are two different "bean" sections. I am confused on whether beans like green beans from the garden can be given as fresh, because it says to cook them in one, then says fresh is fine in the other. ? Anyone know? I plan to have lots of green beans this summer/fall.
I'm not sure cuz I'm pretty new to this also but I think its beans like kidney pinto etc. Cooked and green beans from garden fresh. Hope that helps :) but I'm sure someone more experienced can say for sure :)
Hey everyone love this, helped alot as im very new to ducks.

Just a wee thing I was giving my ducks lettuce for the first time and rather than chop and see if they would eat it that way I bought a live lettuce with super soft leaves and put it on the floor next to some water and that was the only encouragement they needed I had very happy ducklings till I took it off them.

I cant wait to give them peas and blueberries.

Hi Nettie, where do I buy the below listed items? Dave Grier, Baton Rouge

Vitamins and Electrolytes-
(for any aged ducklings)

Comes in a powder that can be mixed with feed or water in a daily or weekly dose. Though most often recommended for ducklings or young ducks, vitamin powders can be given to a duck of any age. You can use the powder as a daily or weekly supplement, or you can reserve it for ducklings during the first 8-12 weeks, injured or sick birds, or for show birds. Any duck of any age will benefit from having vitamins just like a human. Dosing will depend on the brand you buy. For my vitamin powder, I add a table spoon to either a gallon of water or approx. 5 pounds of feed.

Brewers Yeast-
(for ducklings of any age)

Brewer's Yeast contains an essential nutrient for ducks called Niacin. Niacin is known to promote overall good health, and to help ducks with leg/foot injures. Niacin also helps cure spraddle or splayed leg in baby ducks. Any duck with a foot or leg injury of any kind can take Brewer's yeast (either in packets or in crushed up pills) on their food or in their water.


I buy brewers yeast from foy's pigeon supply. It is less than half the price of the stuff from GNC and gives directions for use.
thanks for posting this its amazing how many things ducks can and cant have. I never new about the bread till the other day when I went to a duck farm and they looked at me cross eyed.

its awesome to know someone who takes so much time into getting to know so much about animals.

Im just learning got 6 for my birthday in march they are so cute but im having a problem with there feet hopefuly thats fixed soon.

thanks for the update on the food I didnt know so many things are so bad for them.
Awesome!! Thank you so much for this list. My sister and I are going to create a garden full of fresh veggies for our guinea pigs and ducks so now I know which seeds and plants to get.

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