The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

My Campbell ducks do not want to eat anything dry, including duck grains, pellets, cat food; they spend their days the beak in mud and moan when they want for me to give them cooked vegs.
Cannot force them to eat what they do not want to eat, can I, to make them eat their pellets I mix them with dry worms, that seems to work.... During the day, when it is cold, they moan loudly for me to open my back door where there is a central heating radiator! Though they not really tame, they knock on the windows door of the living room when they want some attention.
Found them very clean, in their shed there is one side with straw and the other with newspapers, they only poop on the newspaper, outside they chose the pond to poop in, but it is ok because I do have a small pump I use every day to clean and refill with clean water, they then demand for me to pour some warm water to top up the pond water.... Very human!
My Campbell ducks do not want to eat anything dry, including duck grains, pellets, cat food; they spend their days the beak in mud and moan when they want for me to give them cooked vegs.
Cannot force them to eat what they do not want to eat, can I, to make them eat their pellets I mix them with dry worms, that seems to work.... During the day, when it is cold, they moan loudly for me to open my back door where there is a central heating radiator! Though they not really tame, they knock on the windows door of the living room when they want some attention.
Found them very clean, in their shed there is one side with straw and the other with newspapers, they only poop on the newspaper, outside they chose the pond to poop in, but it is ok because I do have a small pump I use every day to clean and refill with clean water, they then demand for me to pour some warm water to top up the pond water.... Very human!
I love the way you have set up your yard for them, they sound very spoiled. Have you ever thought of making fermented feed for them, my flock won't eat dry feed either but they love it fermented. It's just moist enough and very healthy for them. I'll get you the link and you can decided. Whats nice about this is you can cut it down to what ever you need like I feed 31 daily so I use 3 gal buckets feed with one while another is fermenting and every 2 days I use one up and start on the other and begin making ff in the bucket I just finished using. I tried going back to dry once in the over 2 yrs I started making ff and they flat refused to eat it.
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Thank you

I know what you are saying about 'grains', must be difficult for their digestive system to grind anything dry! Though I also tried very small cut of cooked chicken and they did not like it neither, but if I mixed it up to their cooked vegs then they eat it!
They are specially crazy about cooked carrots.
What is worrying is that one does not know what ingredients are in all this poultry feed (mash and pellets), indeed this is unfortunate true for any pre-done food we give to our pets and this includes dog food! I so wish manufacturers had to labelled any food with what is inside.
I will try your suggestion, my 2 campbells should like it since they seem to prefer mud to clean food!

When I started, not so long ago, with those 2 ducks I thought I might not keep them as my neighbour parted with hers because of the dirts and the damages they done to her plants and pond, but I, personally, think it is because they are 'not so clean' when very young, then they get into the habit in knowing how to keep their area clean. They moan at me when they want something, and this 'something' is in the afternoon: a clean pond, they simply will not go back into their pond until I have cleaned it!

Though both do not have the curly feather of the male, and because I find one egg every morning in their straw plus the 'back preening' of the light brown one by the darker one, I think the darker one could be a male, w'll see.... One egg every day, except for Sunday, they are religious too!
Thank you

I know what you are saying about 'grains', must be difficult for their digestive system to grind anything dry! Though I also tried very small cut of cooked chicken and they did not like it neither, but if I mixed it up to their cooked vegs then they eat it!
They are specially crazy about cooked carrots.
What is worrying is that one does not know what ingredients are in all this poultry feed (mash and pellets), indeed this is unfortunate true for any pre-done food we give to our pets and this includes dog food! I so wish manufacturers had to labelled any food with what is inside.
I will try your suggestion, my 2 campbells should like it since they seem to prefer mud to clean food!

When I started, not so long ago, with those 2 ducks I thought I might not keep them as my neighbour parted with hers because of the dirts and the damages they done to her plants and pond, but I, personally, think it is because they are 'not so clean' when very young, then they get into the habit in knowing how to keep their area clean. They moan at me when they want something, and this 'something' is in the afternoon: a clean pond, they simply will not go back into their pond until I have cleaned it!

Though both do not have the curly feather of the male, and because I find one egg every morning in their straw plus the 'back preening' of the light brown one by the darker one, I think the darker one could be a male, w'll see.... One egg every day, except for Sunday, they are religious too!
That's funny. Post some pics I'm sure KC lovers will give you the yay or nay on sex. Mine love a clean pond too it's so funny how excited they all get when the water is running into the pool, most of the time my geese are in it trying to bathe when it's not even a fourth full yet so of course they are the first to poop in it.
As for feed well most feed is formulated to have all nutrients our poultry needs [ducks too] but I know what your saying, I looked a long time to find a feed that didn't contain any grains that were GMO finally I did and even though not organic which here is very expensive and I'd have to have it shipped, I am grateful to be able to find non GMO feed in the county next to ours. I do give my flock lots of greens and fruit when in season along with dried mealworms for extra protein for feathers. Some even supplement good quality cat or dog kibble into their ducks feeding. so far I haven't found one mine like thank goodness my son has 2 cats so i have someone to give the food too when my flock refuse to eat it. lol
Greens: mine eat them, especially the lettuces (not the iceberg!), I have tried to give them some blueberries but they refuse them, tried also some cooked and mashed apples but they simply do not even try. For them it is: mud, dried worms and vegs, may be a bit of pellets when I mixed the small ones (for bentham chicken) with the dried worms. I still put a dish of pellets every day for them.
Yes the pond is really a must, as soon as the water is clean they go mad. Every day in the morning (to stop them waking up the neighbours) I give them a full lettuce that ends up in their pond.
Inside their shed they only seem to be ok with it after I put in a wooden table, they prefer laying underneath something, they also have made a nest with the straw and newspapers they have shredded and as I have said, they poop on the newspapers near the door and I rarely find poop in their straw.
My muscovy ducks love broccoli!!! thanks for the list! you gave me many ideas to give my duckies!

I would recommend removing rice from the list though, if birds have to much rice then there stomachs can explode and lets remember even though they're very different ducks are still birds :)

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