*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Name: Fent Raven.
Age: 19.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Talkative, competitive, fun, but stern.
Skills: Knife throwing, bowman, etc.
Side: Alnwick.
Rank: Assassin.
History: Hidden.
Description: Blonde hair, light freckles, bright blue eyes. Tall, with a thin figure.

(Still needs accepting or something. X3)

(Now I guess does everybody else want to go ahead and start)

Gwen sat down on her bed and cried. She understood the importance of this treaty, but there had to be another way. "Why must it be him. I'd marry the jester, rather than that arrogant buffoon!"
Gwen sat down on her bed and cried. She understood the importance of this treaty, but there had to be another way. "Why must it be him. I'd marry the jester, rather than that arrogant buffoon!"

Linnet woke to the sounds the maid made while feeding the large fireplace in her room. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, then thought about the princess.


Edwin was still sleeping. The servants knew better than to wake him.
Fawn laid in the sun, relaxing. She had a lot on her mind, but she didn't care, she just wanted to sleep. The grass around her seemed softer than usual, which aided Fawn in the matter of sleeping.
Fent whipped through the Alnwick castle, looking for his lost item. "Oh no," he grumbled to himself. He sprung through the castle doors and out into the gardens. He trudged straight past Fawn, heading for the shrubs in the garden. He crouched down and shuffled his hands through the foliage.
Fawn peeked over at Fent, she grinned at his worried appearance. She laid back, closing her eyes once more.
Linnet woke to the sounds the maid made while feeding the large fireplace in her room. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, then thought about the princess.


Edwin was still sleeping. The servants knew better than to wake him.

(Edwin is scary... :oops: :lau )

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