*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Name: Alena
Age: 17
Personality:sweet, kind, loyal, caring
Skills:sewing, cooking,
History: Her father died when she was 10. Her mother became unable to care for her, so sold her to the king and queen to be a servant. She is the prince's primary caretaker.
Description: Thick brown hair she keeps in a servant's braid, blue eyes, tan skin.

(hm do I sense a romance along these lines? Hehe XD)
Edwin sat up in bed grumpily. The servant had lit the fireplace and left long ago. "Ughhhhhh", Edwin moaned. He hated the idea that he had to marry some stuck-up princess from who-knows-where just to satisfy his parent's wishes.
Fawn found the key, she stood up and waved in front of Fent.

Fent went to grab the key.

Fawn pulled the key away and laughed. "First, tell me what it's for."

"No," Fent replied. He snatched the key from Fawn and dissappeared into the castle.

Fawn sighed, she plopped down into the soft grass and stared up at the sky.
Edwin sat up in bed grumpily. The servant had lit the fireplace and left long ago. "Ughhhhhh", Edwin moaned. He hated the idea that he had to marry some stuck-up princess from who-knows-where just to satisfy his parent's wishes.

(hes more stuck up then he is thank you

Alena knocked before entering Edwin's room. "Hey."
Gwen was miserable. She rocked back and forth, hugging her pillow.

Maud swiftly dressed Linnet, then scurried out of the room to help Gwen with her dressing.
Linnet sat back down at the vanity, and began to do her hair up. Usually Maud did it, but Maud was in a hurry to get to Gwen's room

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