*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Name: Redd Hazzic.
Age: 18.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Grim, grumpy, gruesome, enjoys watching people squirm.
Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, etc.
Side: Edinburgh.
Rank: Assassin.
History: Hidden.
Description: Short, brown hair, pale skin, bright green eyes. Slim figure, tall.
Name: Redd Hazzic.
Age: 18.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Grim, grumpy, gruesome, enjoys watching people squirm.
Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, etc.
Side: Edinburgh.
Rank: Assassin.
History: Hidden.
Description: Short, brown hair, pale skin, bright green eyes. Slim figure, tall.
"Well, there is the servant who comes in every morning and lights my fire," he said, hiding a grin. He was in better spirits, now that his mind was off that irksome princess.
Maud entered the room. She went over to the curtain and opened it wide, to let in the sunshine. "Your highness, you really must stop moping about that prince," she said sweetly.
Linnet finished doing her hair after much debating. It was in a waterfall braid down to her waist.

Alena looked at him. "Ok. Fair enough." She smiled. "So..Your highness." She teased. "What are you plans for today."
Gwen looked at her. "Well I'm sorry that I dont wish to marry a man that i scarcely know. And what I do know of him, i dont like!" She took in a deep breath. "I'm sorry, i shouldn't have yelled, but you must understand.
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Redd sat in a tree, reading his book. He glanced up, looked around, then continued reading.
Fent wandered through the castle, then pushed his bedroom door open. He walked inside and closed the door behind him.
Fawn fell asleep on the soft, dry grass. Her dreams whisking her away.
Peter was pacing his room. He had been up for hours. Tired of sitting around, he grabbed his bow, and went out to practice.
Alena looked at him. "Ok. Fair enough." She smiled. "So..Your highness." She teased. "What are you plans for today." Gwen looked at her. "Well I'm sorry that I dont wish to marry a man that i scarcely know. And what I do know of him, i dont like!" She took in a deep breath. "I'm sorry, i shouldn't have yelled, but you must understand.
Edwin looked thoughtfully at Alena. "Um, well, I was thinking about going hawking with Peter if he wants to. Then maybe we'll go shoot some rabbits for the heck of it," he said.
"Oh honey," Maud said as she crossed the room over to Gwen. She wrapped her chubby arms around the sorrowful princess and gave her a tight hug.
Linnet put her heavy velvet coat on, then peeked out of her bed chamber door to see if anyone was in the hallway. Seeing it was clear, she hurried down the hallway to the spiral staircase, and descended.

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