*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

(Oooh Shan, Crazychick and I got plans...grand plans. XD) -- (Crazychick, where is Peter?) Richard followed the young man at a distance. He wasn't sure wether to go find the person whom he needed, or continue following Peter. -- Edwin sighed. "No real reason, just, um, oh I don't know! Come on," he walked quickly past her to the stable hand. -- Linnet accepted the drank and thanked him. He looked deep in thought. "What's on your mind?" She asked gently. -- Maud came hurrying into the kitchen. "Linnet! I've been searching all over for you! You told me quite a while ago that you would come up for your fitting as soon as you put your cloak away. Come, we needn't keep the seamstress waiting any longer," she beckoned Linnet to follow. -- The castle soon came into view. "Audric, he will carry through with it. He is your son, and you are his father. Plus, you're the king. Look, we're almost home. You can talk to Edwin if you wish about it," Mariah (<oh that's how it's spelled) smiled. She urged her horse into a canter.
My form

Name: Jenel
Age: 20
Personality: energetic,rebellious,free willed, courageous,very annilitical in thought.
Skills: forensics, sword and bow skills, knowledge of various poisons.
Side (castle name): Edinburgh
Rank: Princes simbling (hope its still open )
History: Grew up in castle, wants to be of it all and be free to live as she pleases.
Description:Tall, thin but well built, very long auburn wavy hair. Light skin with some freckles. Blue eyes, thin but well structured nose, medium full lips, long dark eyelashes.
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(no that's edwins sister not gwens and that means that Lariah has a twin
and he looks like the king. It works.)

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