*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Edwin said nothing. He stared at the princess. She looked pale. And sad. Maybe he wasn't the only one who hates this whole marriage thing.
Linnet, realizing Gwen had no idea who the knight was, quickly introduced him. "This is Richard Andrè, he is a knight of Alnwick," she said with a frown at Richard, who had leaned closer to her during this whole conversation.
The guard began picking his fingernails. "Nothing worth my while, here," he muttered.
Lariah walked her horse over to Gwen and said queitly so she could only here,

" Would you like to get out of my brother's sight and talk?" Lariah said softly as she gto back onto her horse.

"If you wish." She smiled politely. She started to mount her horse. "Nice to nee you Richard. Good to see you all. Linnet I will see you at dinner."
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Edwin nodded, followed by a quick bow. "I saw you were hawking," he commented to Linnet.
"Oh! Marigold!" Linnet had completely forgotten about her falcon. "Yes, I was." She held up her bag with the dead pigeon in it.
"Perhaps my friend and Miss Alena could join you and Sir Richard?" Edwin asked Linnet.
"Oh, Richard isn't hawking with me. He—" she turned to the knight. "What are you doing here?" She asked suspiciously.
The guard followed Gwen and Lariah at a distance, so as to give them privacy, but also where he could watch the adventurous princess.
(Casper, you should read the descriptions of all the characters on the character page Crazychick made. :) I'm still referring to it constantly)
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The guard picked at his fingernails as his horse plodded on slowly behind the two ladies. "Looks like rain," he muttered to himself.
Richard looked up at Linnet. "What am I doing here, you ask? What am I doing here, um well, oh yes! The queen wanted you."
"The queen?" Edwin and Linnet asked at the same time.
"Yes, the queen—of Alnwick", Richard replied smartly. He threw a quick glare at Edwin, whom he disliked most heartily.
"Oh, then I suppose I'll have to cut my hawking time short," she said sadly. She whistled her call for Marigold. The bird quickly came. It was obvious she had eaten what little prey she had found.

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