The Wally-Gee Bee Journey šŸ



šŸ¤  Big Floppy šŸ›øšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø
Mar 7, 2020
Meridian, MS
I have been debating getting into bees for several months now. I have a good friend that is guiding me through my newbee endeavor. The holdup was getting my wife to agree to it. She is scared to get stung, so I assured her they would bee placed somewhere way out out her way. She signed off on it and here we are! My friend and guide, weā€™ll call him Walt, has given me some beginning pointers and set up a swarm trap where I plan to have the hive. This is a homemade 5 frame nuc that Walt made for catching bees.

I have ordered a deep brood box with 10 frames that I will copy, because Iā€™m handy in the shop and I like to save money. Walt has supplied me with a top and bottom to copy as well. He had caught 2 swarms but they are getting antsy and need to go in a hive, so we will catch a swarm fresh for my hiveā€¦ we hope. Thereā€™s lots of bees around here so Iā€™m not worried at all. It gives me more time if they donā€™t jump right in.

My goal this year is to get a strong colony started and then hopefully overwinter them and get to the honey next year since itā€™s a bit of a late start. I started talking to some kind and knowledgeable folks over in Ralphieā€™s bee thread and really appreciate the input and encouragement so far. I decided to start my own thread to easier keep track of my progress, and due to the push/shove from @The Moonshiner and @Overo Mare. So join in and share your thoughts and tell me when Iā€™m screwing up!
In March of 2020, I attended a bee keepers club meeting, thinking I'd like to get bees. That was a Wednesday evening. The next Monday, everything shut down because of Covid.

So Tuesday, I got chickens. Now, I want to get bees.

I recently read the book, The Backyard Beekeeper, by Kim Flottum. I bought it that night at the bee meeting, which was held in a bookstore. Very helpful, and I bet I refer back to it often. Anyone else have a book they recommend? Or website?

@WallyG74, I think your hive is going to be gorgeous!
I think your hive is going to be gorgeous!
At least the part in the middle will be šŸ˜‚. That being the deep brooder thatā€™s coming from a company that knows what theyā€™re doing. Seriously though, my base or bottom is test fitted and looks good for the first one.

Sorry for the bad lighting in my basement.

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