The Wally-Gee Bee Journey šŸ

I got a cute gift of local honey yesterday. It's a lot lighter than I thought it would bee(see what I did there?) Seriously though, does the honey get darker later in the season or does it depend on the flowers that are around?View attachment 3507775
Good question. Iā€™m not an expert, but I would think it had to do with the kind of nectar and pollen that they are finding. I think the longer honey stays in the comb it will start to get darker, but donā€™t quote me on that.
We had a guy in 4H who bred bees and goats. His family always said the honey color depended on what plant the nectar came from
That's what I figured
Good question. Iā€™m not an expert, but I would think it had to do with the kind of nectar and pollen that they are finding. I think the longer honey stays in the comb it will start to get darker, but donā€™t quote me on that.
I sit and watch them impatiently every evening.
Impatiently? What are you wanting them to do? lol
I got a cute gift of local honey yesterday. It's a lot lighter than I thought it would bee(see what I did there?) Seriously though, does the honey get darker later in the season or does it depend on the flowers that are around?View attachment 3507775
I think it's dependent on the plants the pollen is collected from, if I'm not mistaken. I'm no expert, though.
I watched 2 bees drag this out and chunk it off the front porch of the hive. This tells me I should have some emerging brood very soon!

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