~*The Weekly Peep*~

The Weekly Peep (6/14/16)

Can you believe it's June ALREADY? There have been no submissions for the Peep of The Week, so I'll use one of mine.

Peep of the Week

Meet Cookie (AKA Cookies 'N Cream!). She's a 4 yr old Silver Lakenvelder.

INTRODUCING, Ask any question Sunday!

On Sundays, between 10:00 AM and 9:00 PM, submit ANY chicken question to ME (@ChickenLover200) via Private Message (PM) and your questions will be featured in The Weekly Peep in THIS special section. When sending your question, fill the form below:
Username: (type "X" if you don't want your username featured with your question)
Question topic:

This week's featured questions:

From Anonymous:
Topic: How to sex chicks
Question: How soon can you sex your chicks?

Answer: Some breeds, like sex links, can be auto-sexed at hatch. Others have to wait till around 4 weeks or older. Some, like the Silkies, you can't tell till they either lay an egg or crow! It varies between breeds, personalities, and how the breeding stock is from which your chicks came from.
Hope that helps!

Have a great weekend, evryone!
Games and Jokes Wednesdays

For this Wednesday, we'll have some fun. Every Wednesday, there'll be a game. Just for fun. This week you have to put a word with each letter in the word "chicken" that describes a chicken.

C hick
H unter
I cky (to some)
C utter (their claws are sharp!)
K ind
E gg layer
N aughty (some are!)

So, whatever you can come up with (keep it appropriate), PM it to me and the three best ones will also be featurd next Wednesday!


Peep of the week:

Wings, my barred rock rooster who died Saturday night/sunday morning :(

Sunday's question:

When can my chicks go to their new coop?
From: anonymous

Answer:. Usually once they are feathered out around 6-8 weeks. Age varies depending on location and temperature in your area.


Ask a question! PM it to me, ChickenLover200

Have a great week, everyone!
I'm not sure yet. This is the busiest time of the year for me. I just had an idea though.. can anyone here write? Or like to write? We could alternate writing the Weekly Peep. PM me for more details, but read also below:

Requirements to be a weekly peep writer:
Must have general spelling/grammar skills
Be available to write the weekly peep on select Mondays or Tuesdays.
Have great ideas to improve the WP
I'm not sure yet. This is the busiest time of the year for me. I just had an idea though.. can anyone here write? Or like to write? We could alternate writing the Weekly Peep. PM me for more details, but read also below:

Requirements to be a weekly peep writer:
Must have general spelling/grammar skills
Be available to write the weekly peep on select Mondays or Tuesdays.
Have great ideas to improve the WP
Good idea! Hope you find somebody. I'm pretty busy to 'round this time of year but maybe I could write one someday. Good luck!
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