The Wild Chickens (And Other Birds) : Roleplay Game

(i'm really sorry if i confuse you guys, but i'm use to RP differently, and it may take some getting-used-to for me to RP the way you guys do, sorry if i don't make any sense.)

Midnight paddled slowly across the lake near her home, hunting for fish. consentrate, she thought to herself. "have you found anything yet?" Crescent yelled from across the lake, just as Midnight saw a flash of silver. Star, who was swimming next to her, saw it too, and they both dived after the fish. Midnight caught it. "shtar, yell fur dinnr!" Midnight mumbled through her beakful of fish. "what?" Star asked. "DINNER TIME!" Midnight yelled as loud as she could past her fish. she took flight, flying for the cave in the cliff, where her home was. Shadow splashed below surface for a moment, grabbing a frog and flying after her. Cloud and Crescent followed her.
(i'm really sorry if i confuse you guys, but i'm use to RP differently, and it may take some getting-used-to for me to RP the way you guys do, sorry if i don't make any sense.)
My friends RP like that, Dont worry!
Name: Justice, but she often goes by Jess instead.
Gender: Female
Bird/breed: Pheonix
Feather color(s):

she has fire-colored feathers and golden eyes. (yes i drew that, just in case you were about to ask. i think that's my toes in the picture :p how did they get there?!?!)
IDs (important details) : she has a few magical powers: if her tears touch any injury it is instantaniously healed, if her tears touch any poison it is safe, her singing will calm the saddest or most disturbed mind, she is perfectly fire-proof, and she can spontaniously burst into flames. most people think that she is just a rare bird, or an exotic bird. not many animals/people think that she is a pheonix. she is not mean in any way, she is sweet tempered. it's really hard to make her angry, but when you do, you're in trouble. she doesn't like water too very much, as she is basically fire and fire and water don't mix. it's pretty much the only thing she is afraid of. she was NOT HAPPY during the storm. she has no chicks or boyfriend. when she is disturbed or upset she fans out her frond-like tail.
(don't worry, i got permission first :) )
(i'm really sorry if i confuse you guys, but i'm used to RP differently, and it may take some getting-used-to for me to RP the way you guys do, sorry if i don't make any sense.)

Midnight paddled slowly across the lake near her home, hunting for fish. consentrate, she thought to herself. "have you found anything yet?" Crescent yelled from across the lake, just as Midnight saw a flash of silver. Star, who was swimming next to her, saw it too, and they both dived after the fish. Midnight caught it. "shtar, yell fur dinnr!" Midnight mumbled through her beakful of fish. "what?" Star asked. "DINNER TIME!" Midnight yelled as loud as she could past her fish. she took flight, flying for the cave in the cliff, where her home was. Shadow splashed below surface for a moment, grabbing a frog and flying after her. Cloud and Crescent followed her.
Star, a little slow on the uptake, hastily grabbed a beakful of grass from the swamp nearby and followed the others.

(bye, it's dinnertime for me and i probably will not be able to get back online until tomorrow... unless my computer crashes again :( )
JUJUBE: I clucked happily, home! "We're home!" I said. "Home." said the little pigeon blankly. My person gave us some scratch and then continued gardening.

SHADOW: I sat up abruptly, almost forgetting the pain in my left wing. I screeched and flapped my wings and a wave of pain washed through me. As my eyes began to focus I spyed a...pigeon? I lunged, Dawn shrieked.
"Oops." I said, "Sorry." But I wasn't, really, just hungry and hurt. The gash in my chest stung.
"Where are we?" I asked.
"My home!" said the little red chicken.

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