The Wild Chickens (And Other Birds) : Roleplay Game

(I would apreciate it if you didn't say one of my charries did something when they didn't)
Burn and Snowfire screetched and clutched at the gems, they both fell to the ground in a snowy, firey heap, around burn the ground was on fire and around snowfire the ground was covered in snow and ice, they both backed away from eachother, screetching and hissing horribly.
Justice, after making sure that her Amber gemstone was safe and that nobody could find it, flew back to the lake where her friend Hope lived. maybe she can find me a more permanant home, she thought. she landed next to her, Hope was still grazing peacfully. she lifted her head at Justice's approach. "hi, Justice." she nickered.
"what are you going to ask me about this time?" Hope said. Justice sighed. "i need a place to live." she said mournfully. she had been very fond of her old home. "well, i've been asking you for years to come live with me!" Hope snorted. "and for years i've had the same responce, not so close to water!" she said. Hope glared at her for a minute, stumped, then raised her beautiful face to the sky and laughed. when she was done, she said, "Justice, i have never ran across a problem i can't fix..." and with that she commanded Justice, "be waterproof, completely!" and she was. Justice sang her magnificent whistling tune for her pleasure. she raised into the air gracefully, the dove into the lake. she thought she had never felt anything so wonderful as water, except fire. she burst into flames underwater, casting an orange and gold shadow on the sandy bottom of the pond. she had heard of Water Pheonixes, but she had never thought she would meet one and much less thought that she would be one. ((hope's spell on her makes did not take away any of her previous powers, like spontaniously combusting, but added that she can swim and breathe underwater, and she now has all the powers that come with being a water pheonix, like when Snowfire flies she creates snow and when Burn flies he creates Lava, and when Justice flies she can create Fire or Lava, she can now also create rain.))
(its alright flamingchicken) snowfire and burn screetched at eachother, circling eachother, there was fire surounding burn, all over the ground rising higher with his anger. All around snowfire a snowstorm raged, it seemed as if the very sky was split between Red and Blue, Fire and Ice. They both screetched so loudly they could be heard for miles around.
Justice swam deeper, exploring her new home. she discovered a small forest made of underwater plants, with a depression in the middle. she decided that there would be the perfect new home, then went above water. she thanked Hope, then flew back the Cayuga cave (has a ring to it, no?) to grab her Amber peice and tell the ducks that she had a new home.
as Justice was flying overhead, she saw the fighting going on below her. she froze in midair... it was the snow pheonix again. she plummeted out of the sky, then un-froze just in time. she was a yard above the ground when she spread her wings and landed gracefully. she stared at Burn and Snowfire.

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