The worst sight to see as a chicken owner

A sunbathing chicken. šŸ˜­ genuinely had my friend worried I killed these chicks. (Dw we are setting up a proper outside enclosure for them soon, I only take them outside when it's not too hot.)

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If you guys have any pics of your chickens sunbathing, please share! < 3
LOL! I can't count the number of times I have had a heart attack because one of my chooks was laid out in the yard.

It's especially freaky when they do it in the middle of a dirt bath. I see a birds all spread out, covered in dirt and perfectly heart stops
I was in the feed store last year when some Karen who didn't know much about birds started pointing to the sleeping/sunbathing chicks in the bin and began loudly complaining about animal cruelty. "Oh my God they have dead babies and the workers won't even take them out! What kind of place is this?" and so on and so forth. I looked at her and said "Ma'am watch this". I reached in and gave the bottom one a boop on the beak and said "look I'm Jesus!" as they all sprang back to life like Lazarus himself. Karen looked like she smelled something bad and walked away.
A sunbathing chicken. šŸ˜­ genuinely had my friend worried I killed these chicks. (Dw we are setting up a proper outside enclosure for them soon, I only take them outside when it's not too hot.)

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View attachment 3573491

If you guys have any pics of your chickens sunbathing, please share! < 3
I was in the feed store last year when some Karen who didn't know much about birds started pointing to the sleeping/sunbathing chicks in the bin and began loudly complaining about animal cruelty. "Oh my God they have dead babies and the workers won't even take them out! What kind of place is this?" and so on and so forth. I looked at her and said "Ma'am watch this". I reached in and gave the bottom one a boop on the beak and said "look I'm Jesus!" as they all sprang back to life like Lazarus himself. Karen looked like she smelled something bad and walked away.
She must've been shocked as those chicks were magically revived!:gig

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