Their first snow!


Sep 20, 2018
Not sure why they bellyflopped down the stairs, usually they jump/fly from the top step. Yes, they currently live in our walkout basement. We weren't sure if the roof of their run would hold the weight of the snow, so they're inside ducks for now (it didn't hold btw - so we're fixing that)
snow ducks.jpg
Not sure why they bellyflopped down the stairs, usually they jump/fly from the top step. Yes, they currently live in our walkout basement. We weren't sure if the roof of their run would hold the weight of the snow, so they're inside ducks for now (it didn't hold btw - so we're fixing that)
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You have beautiful ducks,O ya they can be clowns in the snow mine love to play in it and even when its 5deg out they cant wait to get in the creek.

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