
Jul 17, 2019
So my chicken coop is right next to my house and on the other side there are woods. I know all about predators but would anyone try to steal my chickens? Especially the way it's set up?
Most definitely. Thieves have always been around and I’d dare say with the current situation of possible lockdowns, running out of food, etc. the stealing of chickens (for eggs or meat) will undoubtedly increase. It’s very sad that you have had some taken.

If the birds seem to be disappearing at night, I would be tempted to run a HOT wire kind of incognito, if possible. I’d LOVE to hear a thief holler in pain.

Have people have chickens stolen before? Absolutely. Is it a common thing? Probably depends on your area, but not really. If your coop and run can be locked and it makes you feel more secure, there's no harm in locking up.

Now mail theft on the other hand... :rant I've had stolen mail (not mine) dumped on my driveway 3x in the last year.

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