by there wing feathers theres a video on youtube u should watch it if ur having trouble sexing ur chicks its:

I know the video starts about how they hatch but keeping watching and it will show.
thank you! according to that i have 5 baby girls:D
omg though i couldnt believe the chicks shooting through there like, i guess they arent as fragile as i thought.
I guess so but that movie is so fake! like i watched one just like it but execpt the chicks got caught on the sorter for the eggs and died omg it was horrible. I need some help one of my chicks is just sitting or laying and nver trys to walk she just sleep. I dont even think it an walk. how can i help it
Well, She has been getting better she's been trying to walk and follow the other 2 chicks I guess she just hasn't had as much time as the other two to try to walk.
maybe because she is younger? i know i was worried about one but with a chick 24 hours is a long time to get going. they are all just babies, could be just a slow starter.
I dont know her toues are all curled in and she sit-walks she just sleeps and sleeps i think something serious is wrong with her toes.
i wish i could tell you one way or the other...i dont know too much about it...

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