They are DYING........Help

They are drinking and eating no problem, they seem to like the egg and peach. The brooder is very long so they can get away from the heat lamp, I use a red heat lamp antnight and then switch to a 60 watt bug light during the heat of the day if it gets hot. today is cloudy and the back porch stays 10 degrees cooler if there is a breeze, The vet said it was most likely stress trigger neurological problem.

I only have lost birds during the day, so I thought it was to hot, but when I switch to the 60 watt bulb they sit directly under it so I have to go back to the big bulb and they sit along the edge of the lamb which is perfect. I added a tree branch but they don't use it and I have started them on antibiotics terra vet 10.

I am sticking to chickens, these Guineas are just to weak.
Sorry for your rotten luck with the shipped keets. Maybe try finding some locally next time. I hatch hundreds and hundreds of keets each year, and tho they are fragile, I rarely lose any... but I try not to ship any if at all possible, local pick ups only.
What kind died? I lost 2 of my whites days after. They were a alive when I got them and only lost the whites. They shipped later because the whites hadn't hatched at all. Made me wonder if the whites were more fragile.

I haven't lost anything recently, for what that's worth. Tough to lose any. :(
Mine are the Royal Purples and so far no dead birds since Saturday, fingers crossed. They are still on Antibiotics and grit since they are eating the egg sometimes. I have 3 sources of water and it gets changed everyday. They are still fragile and I try and leave them alone, will wait a few days before changing out beading.

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