They didn't hatch now what?


In the Brooder
May 6, 2015
Washington state
I had a hen go broody on March 30th I don't have a rooster so I managed to get 5 fertile eggs from my neighbor. It's now been 26 days and nothing. Should I remove the eggs from under her? Also since she has gone broody once is their a good chance she will do so again in the future. If she will I will get a rooster. Any advise and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I would candle the eggs and see what is happening in them, you would know then if they are still viable or not and what is actually happening with them. She may stay broody even if you remove them. If she were my hen I would break her from this so she has chance to recover from already being broody to gain some strength and weight agian. She may go broody again then.

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