They picking on her!!


In the Brooder
Jun 8, 2015
Fairmont NC
I have a couple of Japanese bantams and a rooster. I just got a seabright hen and my other hens aren't taking to well to her. I had to put her in a separate cage today because the top of her head didn't have any feathers and her eye was swollen. The cage she in is temporary but she needs to be in with my Japanese bantams. I know a little about pecking orders but not much. I don't want her hurt anymore. Anything I can do?
Lone hens that are introduced into a flock tend not to be taken to as well as a small group. Still, there is hope for them all getting along. First, work slowly. Start with wire between them, so they can see one another but not injure one another. Introduce them in a large space, so they don't feel crowded and territorial. Offer plenty of roosts, nest boxes, feed sights and waterers.

Different breeds or ages sometimes form different "mini flocks", so having a chicken that got along with the Sebright might help her form her own "mini flock" and be left alone by the others. In my own flock we have a Silkie Mini-flock, a Standard Mini-flock, and a Bantam Mini-flock.

I had two Sebrights, but the rooster was so aggressive and fought with the other roosters so much that we had to get rid of him. His face was swollen from fighting and he would go after your legs any chance he got.
The hen isn't mean towards us, but she is aggressive towards the other chickens, even those twice her

(This is Mr. Dottie/Sebbie. His comb is black because of frost bite)

Sebrights might be small, but they can hold their own!

Good luck with your chickens!

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