They want to make it ALL illegal. What do you think of Senate Bill 510


9 Years
Mar 23, 2010
Chehalis, WA

all affects us whether we grow plants or not because we have chickens or fowl, and they are food or produce eggs which are food.

Its on the Senate Calender and they want to make all gardening illegal. They want to make all food production illegal, even if you are only feeding yourself. No saving seeds. Nothing.

So, they can also Quarantine a whole region. Say your neighbor's bird gets sick and they take it to the vet and the vet reports a sick bird, perhaps even misdiagnosed... Now DOD and GOV'T comes knocking on your door to destroy all your stock. Just a possible scenario. What Will You Do? Make sure you vote for politicians who oppose this new bill and call your senator!
Yes, this bill is extemely dangerous and the ultimate power grab by our government. If they can control the food source then they control us. Please contact your senators and tell them to oppose S 510 if you want to continue enjoying your freedoms!
I tried reading over it and it all makes no sense to me. All I really got from it was that the gov't will set min standards for food from start to serving it. The thing that bothers me is it seems like it will effect every person trying to make a few bucks out of their yard and not really address the problems of these large food companies. From what I've managed to read about these outbreaks of deseases from food that's where they all came from not from the small farmer.
The Tester amendment to s-510 would remove any requirements from small farmers; if it passes everyone grossing less than half a million would be exempt. So that's a very good situation.

However, even if it passes as written, it does NOT outlaw gardening, does NOT outlaw seed banking, does NOT require RFID chips, and the word "Quarantine" is not even in the bill.

It covers commercial sales only. I'm honestly not sure if it even applies to eggs anymore; the egg language appears to have been struck out. Green veggies, yes. IF you sell them.

Again, the Tester amendment should be pushed for. But even if it fails, there is no danger to your personal food growth or consumption.
Read the bill for yourself and not what others are writing about it.
Look in about the first paragraph where it says farms and resturants are
Then for all the people in fear point out 1 place in the bill where it says
you can't grow your own tomatoes or raise your own chickens and eggs.
Okay....This bill is written with very broad language. It never defines what a "farm" is. It simply refers to "every farm". This incudes us or anyone producing food (garden). If the language in the law encompasses "all farms", this is a threat to us! Yes, there is a chance for an amendment to exclude farms making less than $500,00/year. Butttttttttttttt.............. Are we willing to take that risk? It 's not what the bill actually says, it's what is doesn't say that should scare us. Please don't be blinded by the argument that this won't affect us! If you do enough research, I feel sure that you will come to the conclusion that this is the most dangerous piece of legislation Americans have ever faced. This is a chance for BYCers to make a difference when it really counts! Please contact your Senators before it's too late.
I've read up on this the last few days, and of course contacted both my senators. Buildingmyark is correct. The language is very broad and the real effect of the law will not be known until the bill is passed and the current FDA head decides (or is told by big corporate agriculture) what it will encompass. It truly is a poor bill with a nice sounding title. At the very least it would hurt the small farmer. Let's see corporate agriculture support a bill like this that had the registration fees tied to the amount of sales you have! Most of us are not farmers for a living. Would you be ok with the government saying you need to give us another $500 each year so we can control what you do?
I also contacted my senators and asked if it would be illegal for small farmers to sell at local markets and they said "probably" and that it was "unclear"

So, all of this freaks me out.

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