They're Bigger, Badder, and Better. The best protein for chickens!

I think this is a great idea and I bet you chickens are super healthy!!!

Definitely gonna read up a bit more on this!!
Unless you live in South America I doubt this is the species your seeing.
They are harmless, non-climbing insects who are perfectly clean when bred in captivity. IMO, these are slow breeders compared to the American or German cockroach, but they are roaches so they still breed like mad compared to other insects. Compared to mealworms they are healthier, larger, and contain even more protein.
THey look just like the native palmetto bugs we already have here. Will chickens eat those?
I just got a huge case of the heebie jeebies... I have goosebumps crawling all over my body. I can handle almost any bug except flies and roaches. *gag*
Hey Pet Duck Boy, you almost have me convinced. Of course my wife would have the final say and I can tell you, she'd never allow those on the property! Maybe I could sneak some into the garage and hide them there; do they make much noise?
Noise? No, barely at all. They might make skittering noises when you bump the box but unless your wife inspects the garage for any suspicous noises they will go unnoticed. Me and my dad kept them secretly from my mom for 2 weeks, until my sister ratted us out, I still kept them though. Like I said before, my colony has exploded so I have months worth of roach treats for the chickens. And It's better than that. I used them for the wild birds and I've never seen the jays and wood peckers more happy. I took them fishing and used them in halves and caught several monster blue gills, perfect fryers.
I live in Alabama. LIke you it is HOT and Humid most of the time. THere is not a roach we don't have in abundance. But, since I started raising chickens I rarely ever see a roach. Guess I finally found a good purpose for a roach.
I think the numbers are reason for the ICK factor. One or two of them might be acceptable, especially if you teach them a couple tricks, like "stay", or "Quiet.". But when people see tons of them crawling all over each other - they picture that happening to them. ICK!! Indiana Jones wouldn't like it either., and he's no wimp. Just sayin'
I live in southern Louisiana. It stays around 100 degrees and 80% humidity average. They would multiply like crazy! I want some! I have a five gallon tank with a top. I wonder if they would live in there. I will visit that site! Thanks!

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