They're here!


In the Brooder
Feb 8, 2017
10 beautiful ducklings from Metzer arrived happy and healthy last Wed!
These are the first ducklings we've ever had and they are just a kick. Pretty skitzy though, lol. Will they calm down? Their setup is a 2x7 foot browser with the light on one end...they're getting non medicated chick starter with nutritional yeast added, and a little bowl of grit. Have I forgotten anything? Any suggestions? They're adorable!
congrats on the new ducklings, I have 2 mallards that were pretty skittish at first as well, my fiancé sits with them after work and talks to them and they've come around. You just have to spend time with them for them to get used to you. What breed are they?
We have 2 runners, 2 cayugas, 2 Welsh harlequins, 2 khaki campbells, and two golden hybrids. We wanted a selection, lol!
Super cute! You have to spend alot and i mean alot of time with them.
Starting on day two after arrival i took them out once or twice a day for a swim in the bathtub. Or other container for swimming.
And sit with them with my hand in there so they get used to me, my voice and my hand. By the first fews days they are already not scared.
I sit with mine every evening for at least an hour. They sleep on my lap. And feed treats from your hand ! That helps a ton:) have fun.
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