They've moved!


Apr 21, 2018
Hi everyone,

So yesterday our 4.5 week old girls were moved to their new world and it was quite amusing to watch. All day they were outside in their brooder watching us and enjoying the outside (I've had them out before) They sure seemed happy to be able to stretch, fly and go way farther than ever before! Photos will be posted later on

We had a family emergency and had to quickly put them in their coop while we ran out for a couple hours. The heat lamp has been off (for about 1.5 weeks when it burned out) and since the brooder has maintained an even 70-75 with just them, and when outside it goes to maybe 65 in the shade. I've wanted to acclimate them since my feeling all along has been "what about the off the grid people" and back in the old days chickens weren't provided heat lamps and stuff that is around now. Anyway we hadn't even had the chance to throw down the bedding in their coop when we ran out. When we came home they were all huddled in a corner together and the coop was at 50-55. I felt so bad:( so we put down the bedding (which is about 8" thick, took a couple of the 5 gal pails I'm gonna use for nesting boxes and put some bedding in that for them, and since the heat lamp had already burned out, just put a 100 watt (albeit energy efficient so not much heat whatsoever to speak of) in there and gave each a little cuddle and hoped for the best!

This morning hubby went out to check them first, I went later and they were all over the coop pecking at stuff!! 5 jumped out happily, 1 flew out and all seemed happy! Came running and eagerly eating from my hand til I put their filled feeder in for them and oh boy were they happy chickies!! Did great with that and their new water tank! Stretched, ran did all chickie stuff and then settled in the sun for a few minutes. I've heard them happily chirping and running all around their run.

My Q is I hear so much about acclimating them and that giving them heat can be bad when either the power goes out or they go outside!! I want them to live as they would naturally...not "babied" I was told my the farm store that they'd only need heat in coop (as babies) if night goes below 50, which right now it's at or slightly above that here. There's just a little bit of down under and near the hineys on a couple but other than that have nice feathers. I don't want to shock them or have them get what I'm doing ok for them? I also DO NOT like the use of heat lamps in coops...their coop is off the ground, heavily built with ventilation but not drafty. I just want to be sure I'm doing the right thing by them.

To those of you who live in cooler, high desert climates (I'm in Southern OR) and get your babies out early (without a broody around) I'd love your advice and comments. What to maybe look for if they get sick or......????

Just want healthy happy girls and do right by them but don't want "sissy chicks" haha

Thanks in advance!
Chicks will bunch in the corner when scared too. Sounds like it got late and they weren't familiar with the coop? I often put them out during the day to get familiar with the coop for a week or so before leaving them out there. It's not always the temperature, chickens don't like change.

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