Things we're teaching our goats... (NEW picts)


15 Years
May 24, 2007
Due to the request of some poor BYCers who need a goat fix and aren't able to have their own (yet)... I've resurrected these pictures and added some new ones of my Nigerian Dwarfs...(post #8) NEW picture on post #23

So, we decided that they do have to 'pull their weight' around here so got down teaching them a few things.

We're teaching them to drive so they can go get their own feed...


And, we're teaching them to help build things... here they are checking out the new chicken coop roosts. They made sure that the roosts are sturdy and safe before letting the chickens on them. Aren't they considerate and thoughtful?


Making sure my husband is cutting the hardware cloth properly for the coop window.

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Nice! Mine consistently check the quality of my corn, tomatoes, greens, etc. They're also happy to verify the sturdiness of my deck and porch, and they take inventory of the feed room every chance they get. Nevertheless, a paycheck would be nice. Maybe they can work the salad bar at the Ruby Tuesday.
Here we're showing them that it's always best to hang the feeder up high so that goats can't get onto it and spoil their hay...


We had to explain that not all farm animals can share each others pens...


Checking out what's growing in the house:


Some play time...


After a hard days work you need to rest and tell the Rooster about all the work you did:

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That is hilarious, do you ever fence them in. My two would be in som much trouble all of the time. I am so glad that yours can be helpful!!!
They share the chicken run at night (they have their own house separate from the chickens but it's a safe, fenced area for night time), during the day they free range the place with the chickens.

If we're outside they are ALWAYS under our feet and helping us!

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