Things you never said until you had chickens.......

1) From the back porch so loud my neighbors can hear (in my pjs, hair standing on end, 1st thing in the morning, lol) ....queue the music a sing song voice "where my ladies at, where my ladies at? where my ladies at, where my ladies at? Put your hands up!" and they come running for treats!
2) "Hold on a second honey, I'm cleaning pasty butt"
Neighbors: "Your chickens are in my yard....again"

"Watch out there's chicken poo everywhere!"
"Don't throw that away! Give it to the chickens!"

Mom: "Where are you going with that sandwich?"
Me: "I'm eating outside so I can share with the chickens."
That always gets her mad

Sister: "What are you doing sitting on the porch?"
Me: "I'm waiting for the mailman to come with my shipment of eggs."

"Sorry I'm busy this weekend, chillin with the peeps."
"You want some eggs? How many?"
"NO don't step on your poo! Don't do it don't do.... GAHHH! Wait... don't you dare jump on me now!"

"What's up Big Mama lay any eggs for me today?"
"Hey girls who wants some mealworms?"
"Ouch! Don't peck at my toes you evil chickens!"
"Seeya mom I'm gonna go sleep with the chicks."
"Don't touch my chicks!"
"What?! You only eat store bought eggs?! Are you freakin crazy??!!"
"Yes my hen laid that blue I did not dye it myself. No I did not dye the green one either."

There are so many more LOL but can't list them all!
Laffin so hard some of these brought tears to my eyes!!! I woke my son up at least 3 times (it's almost 4am here) and almost fell off the bed.

My list:

"Ruby, that's my toe you're pecking."

"Oh no you don't! Stay in there, I'm not chasing you again today" said while shooing chickens away from the gate to feed & water)

As my son plops a chick (or 5) in the middle of my back while I read BYC posts: "Get them back in the box before they....EWWWWW!!! GET THEM NOW!!! They just pooped on my back!!!"

Also to my 5 yr old son "Get the chicken off my head before it late, now I have to get another shower!!! Thanks AJ!!!"

To my 8 yr old daughter "It's just chicken poop, you'll live"

To my bantum hen "Don't sass me Lily. Get your butt back in there & lay your egg."

To the 2 bantum hens who are laying so far "What? No eggs yet? Get in there & get busy."

To any kid who is near "Hey, a worm/bug! Go toss it in the coop & say 'Here chick chick chick" so we can watch a game of chicken football."

To my bantum hen when I catch her picking on younger chicks "Keep that up & you're gonna be dinner Lily!"
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With the addition of children, I found my self saying things I never could have imagined!!! Once, I heard myself say to my daughter "Paige, stop drinking sprinkler water out of your shoe!!!!"
The addition of chickens added to the insanity!

My daughter (the same shoe sipper mentioned above) asked "If I lick a chick, will it taste like Chicken Wings?" LOL
Said to younger daughter " Get that chicken OUT of your pants!"
Youngest daughter says to father "A chicken tasted me for once!" LOL
Said on the way out the door "Be sure to gather the girls up quick so the boys dont eat em while we're gone!" (Reffering to chicks and dogs)

Plus many more Im sure I have forgotten at this time.!! Love this thread!!
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I startled my hubby yesterday by walking in the house and stating: "Stan has butt lice."

I startled him again when he followed me to the pet department of walmart and asked what was I looking for.

"Shampoo for Stan's butt lice."

I heart a snicker from the next isle. Ain't no telling what that person thought.
I startled my hubby yesterday by walking in the house and stating: "Stan has butt lice."

I startled him again when he followed me to the pet department of walmart and asked what was I looking for.

"Shampoo for Stan's butt lice."

I heart a snicker from the next isle. Ain't no telling what that person thought.
thats a good one. I hear all kinds of things in walmart..
Laffin so hard some of these brought tears to my eyes!!! I woke my son up at least 3 times (it's almost 4am here) and almost fell off the bed.

My list:

"Ruby, that's my toe you're pecking."

"Oh no you don't! Stay in there, I'm not chasing you again today" said while shooing chickens away from the gate to feed & water)

As my son plops a chick (or 5) in the middle of my back while I read BYC posts: "Get them back in the box before they....EWWWWW!!! GET THEM NOW!!! They just pooped on my back!!!"

Also to my 5 yr old son "Get the chicken off my head before it late, now I have to get another shower!!! Thanks AJ!!!"

To my 8 yr old daughter "It's just chicken poop, you'll live"

To my bantum hen "Don't sass me Lily. Get your butt back in there & lay your egg."

To the 2 bantum hens who are laying so far "What? No eggs yet? Get in there & get busy."

To any kid who is near "Hey, a worm/bug! Go toss it in the coop & say 'Here chick chick chick" so we can watch a game of chicken football."

To my bantum hen when I catch her picking on younger chicks "Keep that up & you're gonna be dinner Lily!"
lol thats so true for the chicken ball. I just got some milly worms for my girls and the Buffs, are shy . well they busted the line to get a worm..

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