Things you never said until you had chickens.......

I'm new to the chicken realm, and have been working on "coop construction". I sent a text to my BFF (who I think thinks I'm NUTS now that I have 3 Jersey Giants) that said: "Sorry, I can't go shopping today...I'm painting my coop."
"They 'aven't any muscles in their bums"
-quote from my friend Stuart, who speaks with a british accent and drives a porsche, explaining why birds poop just anywhere.

Quotes from me:

"I'll take care of your ducks if you take care of my chickens"

"Finally! Pets who feed me!"

"Can't stay, have to go lock up the chickens"
My husband, this morning " FLUFFYBUTTS!" as the chicks in the brooder roost along the top.

Upon bringing some extea(loud) roos to a friend's house for a BBQ "We brought you a cock!"
....errr thanks?

"That is a freckle. It is not delicious"

"Bwaaaak Bwaaaak"
Here is a conversation with my favorite pulle t-who is not even laying yet- from the other day:

Me- "So, when are you going to go broody so I can stick Silkie eggs under you?"

Kitty (pullet)- Bawk, bawk? BAWK! Bawk, bawk Bawk!
Oh, and one more I have to add.

"I need to order some chicken diapers, because I want ot take my pullet to PetSmart with me!"

Hey, the sign outside says "pets welcome." It doesn't specify species...
Oh my gosh!!

We did that with our day-olds to tell them apart...  Yeah right, they just looked pretty with silver polish...

I do that with chicks too. I paint the suspected boys nails a dark purple shade and suspected girls get a light pink. Then I can tell if any of my day old sexing methods work. I definitely never thought I would paint chicken toe nails. Yup, I am a total rockstar.

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