Things you never said until you had chickens.......

"mom time to clean my jacket again...forgot to take the egg out of pocket and smashed it."
this happens to me all the time and when i go to stick my hand in my pocket i get a gooey mess lol
"mom time to clean my jacket again...forgot to take the egg out of pocket and smashed it."
this happens to me all the time and when i go to stick my hand in my pocket i get a gooey mess lol

I was at the Laundromat last night, and threw my coop coat into a washer. A minute later, I rushed over to check the pockets for eggs.

No eggs in the pockets. NO EGGS IN THE POCKETS!

Me yesterday: How many eggs today?
Wife: 5..... Oh wait, I forgot there is one in my coat pocket. I'll go get it ... 6.


Met the neighbor across the street last weekend. So of course he sticks his hand out for a "nice to meet you" handshake.
Me: Just a sec, I have to move the egg to my other hand.

"Out of the way fat ***! " my daughter talking to Cedar, a golden laced cochin, who was keeping the other chicks and ducks away from the greens.
"hey are you throwing that out? " to the produce manager while he was changing out fresh produce.
"it looks like a barn in here" my husbands remark of the wood chips and straw being tracked around the house from the temp housing in our dinning room..
"Should I bring the girls in, its 19 out, I can just lock them in the dinning room for the night"
mom: "sorry if I stink"
daughter: "oh its not too bad, why?"
mom: " I didnt realize what time it was, I've been cleaning the coop" picking my daughter up from school

"good thing we got Isis before the house next door is sold" regarding our new pekin duck, who likes to quack...A LOT

(Just a tip)

19 isn't cold, and chickens can handle it quite well :) You want to start taking them in (if theres no heatlamp) when its -10, but with a heatlamp they can reach temps. as cold as -40 (living in AK gives you great tips... XD)
Co-worker J: What do you do with 19 eggs a day?
Me: My parents live next door, and my brother is turning their second story into an apartment for his family, my in-laws live around the corner, and my grandma is less than a mile away. When there's some left, I sell them.

Me: All of my chickens are named.
Co-worker M: So, can you tell me all their names and what they look like?
Co-worker L: Girl, please don't get her started! Trust me, she can!!!

Co-worker H: Hey, I think you'll like this. (trying to show me a magazine picture)
Co-worker L: Are there chickens in it?
Me: (laughing) Right on! (fist bump to Co-worker L)
Co-worker H: Yeah... (Showing me the Rooster wall decoration)

"Hold on, let me take off my chicken boots."

"My roosters don't like bling or neon colors, so if you want to go in the backyard, you are going to have to stay with me."

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