Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Me: Mom, Junior died!!!
Okay, now that I have spent the better part of a week reading this thread from start to finish:

Thing I never said (or thought I would hear) before we had chickens (aside from so many that have already been posted):

Kids: "Mom come look at Claudette's vent, something is wrong!"
Me: "oooh yes there is. Let me get on the internet. (discovery of BYC! day.)
me: "okay kids it is called a vent prolapse and it means part of her insides are coming out."
kids: "uuuugh! how do we fix it?"
me: "you push it back in and we put preporation H on it."
Kids: "Us? Why not you?"
me: " They are your chickens and I have fingernails, you don't."


"rumpless" Upon getting eggs to hatch and finding out one of the breeds (Araucana) has no tail bone and is called "rumpless". This has evoked hours of giggles from my daughter everytime the word is uttered.


"Oh no! Birdie-Num-Nums just crowed!
" Uttered after finding out the sex of our only silkie so named by my daughter.


"Walter! Get off her - she's your sister!" Spoken by my son refering to hatchmates.
I was teaching the adult class at church today for Sunday school. We were talking about the miracles of Jesus. I said well I have watched many chicks hatch out and it is a miracle to me every time. To see a tiny chick all curled up in a knot and yet it pips a hole and then turns somehow in it's egg and zips the rest of the egg. Then when it struggles to hatch out and it uncoils out of the egg .....that is a miracle. Unlike a foal or calf being born and the mother pushes the baby out.

So one of the guys in the group said .."so you have fertile eggs from your to you get them fertile?

So I explained in Sunday school to everyone....
.......well I have a rooster .....and I have a hen......and um.....
after 21 days I get a baby
I was teaching the adult class at church today for Sunday school. We were talking about the miracles of Jesus. I said well I have watched many chicks hatch out and it is a miracle to me every time. To see a tiny chick all curled up in a knot and yet it pips a hole and then turns somehow in it's egg and zips the rest of the egg. Then when it struggles to hatch out and it uncoils out of the egg .....that is a miracle. Unlike a foal or calf being born and the mother pushes the baby out.

So one of the guys in the group said .."so you have fertile eggs from your to you get them fertile?

So I explained in Sunday school to everyone....
.......well I have a rooster .....and I have a hen......and um.....
after 21 days I get a baby

Haha! I'll have to remember that, some of my classmates are so immature sometimes... I actually have a video of one of my baby chicks hatching, my parents were quite intrigued.

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