Things you never said until you had chickens.......

(I'm not sure Puddin Fluff. It's always just done it normally for me
Me: Dad aren't you excited about getting baby chicks!!?? :D
Dad: *in the most melotone ever* Oh my goodness I am. XD
I was laughing so hard. If you knew my Dad it would be so funny.
no dear this is the last one im buying i know i said that last time but really its the last one.then you walk away and under your voice say i will buy as many as i what no i didnt say anything baby
That was from my daughter. I believe my statement that followed was something like " You do know what comes out right above the butt fluff, right?"

(BTW how do you get the box in a box quote? I can do a multi but I don't know how people do the box in a box?)

One way is to multi quote then mark one of them with the mouse, cut (ctrl-x) and paste (ctrl-v) into the gray "quote" box of the other rather than the white space under it. If you mark a quote, then click the double quote button next to the smilies, it will create a quote in a quote. I did both above.

You could also hard code it by clicking the Source button but all the <div>, <p> and other tags are going to be pretty confusing to someone unfamiliar with HTML.

There are probably others that are intentional and unintentional on the part of the editor code.

One way is to multi quote then mark one of them with the mouse, cut (ctrl-x) and paste (ctrl-v) into the gray "quote" box of the other rather than the white space under it. If you mark a quote, then click the double quote button next to the smilies, it will create a quote in a quote. I did both above.

You could also hard code it by clicking the Source button but all the <div>, <p> and other tags are going to be pretty confusing to someone unfamiliar with HTML.

There are probably others that are intentional and unintentional on the part of the editor code.

Hey Bruce, there seems to be (for me at lest) an easier way.

If there are several quotes, just click the button that says "Multi" on the bottom right of the quote you want to quote, do this as often as you want.

When you decide you have all the quotes you want, click the "Quote" button ONLY on the last one. Or, if you have already clicked "Multi" but want that to BE the last quote, then just click the "Quote" button, and a box will open with all the quotes in separate boxes.

Add your comments BETWEEN the quotes, and on the last BELOW the quote.

Seems to work for me, and easier to remember.


OH, and one thing EVERYONE should do, click that button with the ABC and the check mark under it when you want to post anything. That is the spell checker, and well worth using. It's the last button on the right at the top of the box you are typing in, on the second line.
OH, and one thing EVERYONE should do, click that button with the ABC and the check mark under it when you want to post anything. That is the spell checker, and well worth using. It's the last button on the right at the top of the box you are typing in, on the second line.
I agree. Sometimes spell check makes reading possible. We all make some funny mistakes (like I just typed "akk" instead of "all").
When you decide you have all the quotes you want, click the "Quote" button ONLY on the last one. Or, if you have already clicked "Multi" but want that to BE the last quote, then just click the "Quote" button, and a box will open with all the quotes in separate boxes.

Add your comments BETWEEN the quotes, and on the last BELOW the quote.


That is the spell checker, and well worth using.

That would be the NORMAL way
but Puddin was asking how you get a quote INSIDE a quote, not multiple quotes in one post - which we should all strive for since it makes reading the forum easier. My guess is MOST of the time one posts a quote inside a quote, the editor did something funny, not that the person posting intended to do that.

And I agree. Correct spelling, Capitals to start sentences, Punctuation ALL make it easier to read the forums. No "text or Twitter" speak. PLEASE. I'm just too old I guess.


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