Things you never said until you had chickens.......

One way is to multi quote then mark one of them with the mouse, cut (ctrl-x) and paste (ctrl-v) into the gray "quote" box of the other rather than the white space under it. If you mark a quote, then click the double quote button next to the smilies, it will create a quote in a quote. I did both above.

You could also hard code it by clicking the Source button but all the <div>, <p> and other tags are going to be pretty confusing to someone unfamiliar with HTML.

There are probably others that are intentional and unintentional on the part of the editor code.


Originally Posted by bruceha2000

Hi Puddin,
A "present" for your daughter:

And here is what comes out above the fluff (the green one in the middle row)

Well, I tried the ctrl-X method and this is what I got.

Close I guess.
The double quote thing (by the smiley) gave me a seperate box.

My daughter will apreciate the pic. We don't have butt fluff that color around here or egg exatly that color. We do have a nice light blue from our Araucana but nothing in olive green. The others look similiar.
"See ya!! Going to check on the rabbits and chickens!"
"You just checked on them half an hour ago!!"
"It's 10 degrees out! I don't want them to freeze."

Later that night..........
[I just came in from my animals]
Dad: So have the animals' water been frozen?
Mom: She's been checking on the every hour of the day!!!!
Me: Oh yea. I don't want anyone to freeze!!!

Later later that day................
Mom: Um, what are you doing?
Me: Taking blankets out to the chickens. They won't have their heat lamp on during the night so I'm giving them some blankets.
Mom: Oh dear.
[I come back in]
Me: They didn't appreciate the kind offer I was giving them
Mom: Didn't think so

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