Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Me: Now, girls. You have to remember to be nice when the chicks move in with you!
Hens: Booook book boooooook
Me: Yea, yea, I know that not comin' for another two months, but we might as well be preparing for the little fluffballs!!

Mom: Goodness gracious!! Don't go outside! It's ten degrees, you have a sore throat, a runny nose, and are sneezing!!
Me: Mom how would you like it if your mother didn't unfreeze your water every hour!!??
Mom: *sigh*
Haha. Yep, those kid of things happen a bunch over here. XD BTW- I love your avatar!!!
thanks i got to change it i found something else on pinterest.
Getting over a cold, so I've been carrying cough drops in my pockets except yesterday when the pants I was wearing had no pockets so I had a couple tucked into my waist band.
Last night, I had to remove the d'uccle roo roosting with the larger birds and put him back in the bantam pen (he flies out and hangs with his old peeps instead of the new ones his size). Anyway, I had him tucked against my belly when I felt something go down my leg. "Oh no you didn't! You've never pooped on me when moving you...why now?" I shove him in the door and look at my pants, wondering how easily it'll be to get poop stain out of kakhi pants.
Turns out, I felt a cough drop fall out of my waistband and it was laying there on the floor. LOL Had a good laugh at myself.

i never said it before our incident but did say it after. "i never knew i would be willing to die to save a chicken." i said this after rescuing my sons chickens from the smoke as our house burned down 3 days before my sons 8th birthday. after stuffing 12 chickens into a cat crate and getting then to safety my son comes up to me and says "at least you were able to save my dream." my son dreams of growing up and having a farm with animals. the one thing i learned was just how stupid i am. i know i should have left them but smoke is no way for any animal to die.
i never said it before our incident but did say it after. "i never knew i would be willing to die to save a chicken." i said this after rescuing my sons chickens from the smoke as our house burned down 3 days before my sons 8th birthday. after stuffing 12 chickens into a cat crate and getting then to safety my son comes up to me and says "at least you were able to save my dream." my son dreams of growing up and having a farm with animals. the one thing i learned was just how stupid i am. i know i should have left them but smoke is no way for any animal to die.
That's awesome!!! :) I'm so sorry about your house!!
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