Things you never said until you had chickens.......

I have had chicks maybe 3 months? I was mad at one today for picking on the new.chicks and yelled out "alright, that's it...I'm sending you to freezer camp and you are not taking your cell phone!"

My oldest nephew overheard and asked where.freezer camp was and if they had a river to go canoeing on

Earlier this evening I was making cookies for my chickens
Brother: What are you making?
Me: Cookies.
Brother: Awesome!! What kind and are they for us?
Me: Uh, I don't think you'd enjoy them, they're for the chickens- duh!
Brother: Nasty.
OK, little fuzzy butt! let me take a look at you (said to a newly hatched chick....while mom silkie scolded me
of course ) ...awww you are so cute and fuzzy and little and...... wait! do you have green legs! what ! (egg came from a sebright hen I thought was bred to my silkie roo as they are penned togeather) did your mommy meet up with the milk man rooster! (EE roo) What were you thinking little girl (said to my sebright hen) He is WAY to big for you!
how did this happen! have you been sneaking out again! and now look what you have gone and done
o well all fuzzy butts are welcome here!!!!
"Come here little chicky, I gotta wash the poo off your butt."
"Oh my gosh, you can hear them poop!"
"I hope I get a couple fart eggs when they start laying."
"Don't throw those ashes away, I need them for the chicken bath."
"Stop pottying in your food."
"yes! we are eating the mean one tonight!" best in chicken noodle...

me:yay birds are coming in tomorrow
classmate: really how many?
me: 51... we brought it waaay down.
classmate: how far down?
me: in the 50 range...

apparently when you find one chicken breed you turn around and find another that you want...
"I'm just going to put the girls to bed" (on my way outside in the dark). My friends look at me like I'm nuts until I explain!!

The other day I wondered how my gizzard would do eating pheasant for the first time! I'm sooo stupid, I did remember as soon as I thought it that I don't have a gizzard, don't worry!!
Just remembered another one:

It's Saturday lunch time and my mum says: "So what's everyone doing this afternoon?"
Me: "I'm going to move the house." (I meant the chicken coop!
Hubby: mmm... you making me some deviled eggs?
Me: nope. They're for the chickens.
Hubby: you're feeding them their own?
Me: they're not fertilized...

No, I'm growing that for the chickens.

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