Things you never said until you had chickens.......

soooooo here is the conversation my hubby and I had a few days ago...when he did the 'real'math for chicken math

I informed him.....that is NOT how chicken math works as a matter of a fact I think it is not even to be spoken of in that way by the chicken math gods!!!!

here it is

this happened after he wanted to take my bought eggs out of the incubator for some mistake goose eggs we were sent.......I was like "WAIT! those are WAY too expensive to take out for some extra eggs!!!!! we will need another incubator if you want them to hatch!" the incubator is a brinsea 20 advanced and then for the eggs+ shipping to fill it... and then he was like "Wait how much did that cost again? and What DID you PAY for the eggs? Wooooo baby, I though you said buying eggs was CHEAPER than getting chicks!!!!" HEHE OOPPPS
"well it is dear... it is just the type of chicken I am getting and the eggs ARE cheaper for them... I mean half of the cost is in shipping! and I would have to pay that for chicks as well :)

hubby "chicks at the tractor supply are 3$ and no shipping!!!!"

me "but those are HATCHERY!!! and just regular chickens.... I ALREADY HAVE REGULAR chickens!"

hubby " are you kidding me!!! so you have about 400-500$ in chickens and chicken stuff next door! you do know I can buy a dozen eggs for a few dollars at the store right"

by this point he is looking at me like I have two heads

me "Baby these are Special chicken eggs, and they make me happy and I can always sell them to make my money back down the road"

true chicken math at work here, you cant out math a master of chicken math!

Hubby "fine! I think you might be crazy but if you are happy and you dont make us go broke on chickens then fine! ... but no MORE COOPS!

me "but baby..... where will I put my chicken, and if I am going to beed them to make money back then I need seperate runs and houses..... baby... I love you sooooo much

Hubby " fine! but not for 6 months at least!"

Me "I love you baby "
I sing to mine when they get on roost... "I see the moon, the moon sees me, down thru the leaves of the old oak tree, please let the light that shines on me... shine on the ones I love!! Good night girls! hey, they like it and never complain if I am off key!
Sometimes I bathe my chickens to help with parasites and sanitation... also it makes them pretty.
Brother: "What are you doing?"
Me: "Washing my chickens."
Me: "Hens like to look good too!"
Sometimes I bathe my chickens to help with parasites and sanitation... also it makes them pretty.
Brother: "What are you doing?"
Me: "Washing my chickens."
Me: "Hens like to look good too!"
Oh my gosh! I had that SAME conversation with my brother!!!
--Earlier today--
Mom: Soooo, why do you need a harness? You have chickens not dogs
Me: Mom! If I can find a small enough harness, I can walk my chickens!
Mom: They already follow you around! They don't need a harness.
Me: Moooooom!!! It's an experiment. Besides, I'm buying.
Mom: Alright.

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