Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Neighbor: "how do I make he chickens move when I'm mowing?" me: "drive straight at em, yelling at the top of ur lungs. They'll either move, or we're having chicken salad for dinner. (the neighbor proceeded to slowly walk away, as I continued to read my issue of backyard poultry.)
Neighbor: "how do I make he chickens move when I'm mowing?" me: "drive straight at em, yelling at the top of ur lungs. They'll either move, or we're having chicken salad for dinner. (the neighbor proceeded to slowly walk away, as I continued to read my issue of backyard poultry.)
That made me snort coffee out my nose!

"Um, Mom. I left your cell phone in the chicken pen when I took some pictures of my hen. And now she's nesting on it."
"Oh come on- the chickens eat their greens and know they are good for them!" (Who'd have thunk I'd be telling my kids to act like chickens??? LOL)
Text to my boss "can I bring my chicken to work today? She isn't feeling well, and I don't want her to be alone all day " or even better her response "as long as she doesn't pester the prairie dogs"
We have chicks and ducks
Dear please get the duckling out of your hoodie hood it thinks thats its nest.

No you cant take the duckling to church with you.

Get the chicken off the counter im trying to cook.

No miss Kay (my hen) you can go with us now get out of the car.

The chicken is mad you changed the channel when she was watching it

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