Things you never said until you had chickens.......

told my dad the young rooster he was holding "certainly has a big pecker" ! thought dad would fall off his chair and bust something trying not to laugh

embarrassed myself when talking to an old farmer about the roosters he was selling...he had referred to them as cocks so... so did I... "so just how big is your cock?" I asked ,,, I turned red and he laughed. Evidently he's heard it before but was amused at my red face.

So nice to "Bring a little sunshine into someone's hum-drum life"...

loving this thread, thanks for sharing everyone :D)
this one just happened
me to my pol/cochin roo (the chicken in my avatar)
Rockstar are you aware you have yogurt in your feathers?
He then proceeded to shake his head as if he understood me

Drumstick get your fat chicken butt out of the feeder you can not bathe in it
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(on the phone) "Oh, no, I wasn't taking to you, I was talking to my chickens."

(while making dinner) "Oooo, the chickens would love this! I think I'll make extra so they can have some."

(during an afternoon thundershower) "Oh no, the chickens are going to get wet. Throw some corn around in the the barn so they'll get out of the rain."

(seeing one of the horses taking a poop) "Here chick-chick-chick!!! Come and get a hot meal!"

(at the grocery store as I buy a couple of cases of canned corn) "That's not for me, it's treats for my chickens."

(at a restaurant) "Are going to eat the rest of that? If not, I'll take it to my chickens?"

(to a friend who invited me out for drinks) "No, I can't leave until after dark. I've got chickens."

(to the rooster, Midnight, who keeps pecking my feet) "You new name is Midnight Snack. Keep it up and you'll learn what it means."

(to the hen whose egg is late) "Girl, your rent is past due."

(to anyone who comes over) "Come see my babies!"
Which one of you just pecked my butt?"

"the fluffier the butt the prettier the chick."

"Babe, I am going out with the ladies, be back in an hour."

My husband tells everyone that "we don't have a chicken coop, we have a chick motel."

"please pick up some cat food for the chickens"

"aww it's just a little poop it makes the flowers prettier."

To my sister: "Buddy invited herself in. She's going to help herself to your plates if they don't get cleaned up."

"Oh, look, Harry finally found his way inside too. About time ya slacker!"

My sister: "OMG A SPIDER... *SQUEALS*
Me: "NO! DON'T STEP ON IT! DON'T SQUISH IT! WAIT, WAIT! (Running into the room, turning to my niece) GO GET A CHICKEN, QUICK!"

"You just got photo-bombed by her landing..."

To my cat: "Spirit, that hen is going to kick your *** if you go near there!"

"Dibs on the cat losing this battle."

"Can I get a to-go box for my chickens?" (Plural, and after eating a beef entree.)

"It is so weird that my girls actually DON'T like worms!"

Me to an old friend who replied thinking I was someone else: "Hey!"
Friend: "I'm seeing someone now."
Me: "So? What's that got to do with fertile eggs?"

"Yeah, I can't wear make-up. The girls like to eat it."

"I promise dried fingernail polish doesn't taste good. Okay fine, see for yourself. Okay, apparently you liked it..."

From my date: "Hey babe, whatcha doing?"
Me: "Playing with chickens."

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