Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Well, I didn't think I'd ever have anything new to add to this great thread, but then today I surprised myself. It's the rainy season now, and I've taken to putting a hat on before going out to feed them. One pullet insists on jumping onto my back anytime I even slightly bend over, as she did today. I don't mind her on my back, but my hat must've made my head look like an even better (and higher!) perch, so up she went. To which I said aloud to no one but the open air:

"Seriously? Do I HAVE to have a chicken on my head?!"
Well, I didn't think I'd ever have anything new to add to this great thread, but then today I surprised myself. It's the rainy season now, and I've taken to putting a hat on before going out to feed them. One pullet insists on jumping onto my back anytime I even slightly bend over, as she did today. I don't mind her on my back, but my hat must've made my head look like an even better (and higher!) perch, so up she went. To which I said aloud to no one but the open air:

"Seriously? Do I HAVE to have a chicken on my head?!"

I said that as my muttly roo Courage decided to jump off the top roost onto my head,but it was followed by you better not poop on my head!
We were looking through the Chicken Breed book and DH came across a picture of a Dorking and he says," aww the hen looks like a quilt."

We brought the teenagers in while DH was doing a repair on the run and coop.
I have "toddlers and babies" in 2 brooders. I have a small cat bowl with water in that has a papertowel in the bottom. Mind you the paper towel was there when I brought the teens in,I go in to check on them and notice the paper towel is missing. I say,"Okay,which one of you butthats(but used the other word) ate that paper towel?" DH about fell off the bed laughing.

ETA DH and I were talking about getting my uncle a trailer and placing it on the back acre so he has a place to enjoy life at without worries of being evicted or whatever. My husband said by the time we get his place, he will be living in the chicken run since we keep expanding it. I thought about it and then said "you think he would mind?"
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Glad to know that I want sweet birds!
If you want really sweet birds Plymouth Bard Rocks are really Really sweet! I have a Bard Rock rooster that if you hold him he will fall to sleep on your lap.
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