Things you never said until you had chickens.......

"ohh... Well don't look now but Cody laid an egg on you..." -said to my best friend holding my favorite hen. Oops :p

"nah can't go (insert place) gotta (insert chicken relaited chore here)." -___- everyones had to say that sometime.

"whitch ones the rooster?" ask by friend. "ahh... The OEGB..." "but he soooo tiny!?" "ahh... That's what a bantam is...."

"and they lay eggs?" me: "yeah... That's what hens do..." "do u eat them?!" ".........yes........" T_T moments like these make me question some people..... :)
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"You love your rooster right?" -Best Friend, "Yes..." -Me, "We should like, hold a double wedding of my Rooster (his names Tom Cruise BTW) and you're Rooster (his names Poundcake)! We could get married!" -Best Friend "Where you dropped as a baby?????" -Me​
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To the 11 little chicks " hey you little poopers "
The babies are Cheeping ...To my family ... " The little jack hammers are hungry "
They remind me of Jack hammers when they are hungry
to my DW today- "do you remember when 50 lbs. of chick starter lasted us a week?"

the other day at the feed mill when picking up feed (we get 800lbs every 2 weeks). "im thinking of selling my chickens and getting horses, I think they would be cheaper to feed." the owner of the feed store gave me a blank look until I laughed, he thought I was serious.
to my DW today- "do you remember when 50 lbs. of chick starter lasted us a week?"

the other day at the feed mill when picking up feed (we get 800lbs every 2 weeks). "im thinking of selling my chickens and getting horses, I think they would be cheaper to feed." the owner of the feed store gave me a blank look until I laughed, he thought I was serious.
Holy crap! How many chickens do you have?!?!
2 is a good number. I think you have to be half crazy to pass the 150 mark.
my wife and I both love chickens, the colors and just different types. the farm is in the process of turning from a hobby to a business, that's why we have so many.

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