Things you never said until you had chickens.......

I now speak more Spanish to my chickens than I've ever spoken in my life. No, I'm not Spanish either!

Buenos días mis hermosas chicas! Which translates into Good morning my lovely girls (not sure chica is a "girl", might be hottie woman?!)

I run around saying Chica, chica, chicas all the time.

I've never said the phrase "Don't count your chickens before they hatch!" ever as much as now that I own a flock. Must be something in the air?!
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Me, to hubby when we discovered that someone had cut a hole in the fence on our chicken pen, "I am going to have to find out if shooting the *& %#er is legal under any circumstances " he responded that I can't shoot anyone for messing with my chickens and I said I have a right to protect my kids!

We have had the same problem excepted they opened the gate to let them out TWICE, Had them get atacked by a dog, shot Boyo/Creamer with a BB gun and more! After awhile you just want them to stop one way or another.
This is the second time some idjit messed with the pen. Last time someone got in and took our RIR hen and rooster pair and tried to make off with 100 lbs of food. Guess the can was too heavy, but they got the chickens :(
"Aw, Mom, can't they come in the AC for just a bit?!"
"Can they at least peek their little wattles in?!"
I say to my Roo when He Crows alot
Im a rooster & I know it !
And I just have to show it ! Cock a Doodle Doo !


This is the second time some idjit messed with the pen. Last time someone got in and took our RIR hen and rooster pair and tried to make off with 100 lbs of food. Guess the can was too heavy, but they got the chickens

Do either of you have a dog or some kind of outside camera ? or a alarm on the door or around the coop ?
letting the chickens out seems like a kids prank .
Taking a chicken seems like they want a free chicken for themselves.
Have either of you reported this to the Police ?
Has this happened at night ? I think I would be up at night waiting for them to show...
why is my hair on your foot?
hey are you ok?i should've washed your face.
look at their fluffy butts.
I cleaned the chick's butt today.

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