Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Do either of you have a dog or some kind of outside camera ? or a alarm on the door or around the coop ?
letting the chickens out seems like a kids prank .
Taking a chicken seems like they want a free chicken for themselves.
Have either of you reported this to the Police ?
Has this happened at night ? I think I would be up at night waiting for them to show...

We have a dog, but she is essentialy ueless as a guard dog because she goes under the house and goes to sleep and doesn't wake up until someone stomp on the porch over her head. UGH! And the coop is at the back of a fully fenced and gated property. I am almost always here (stay at home mom right now) so there are limited times this could have happened. Our bedroom faces the coop and we hear if they get riled up at night and go running out, gun in hand to deal with any predators *evil grin* two or four legged variety! The hole we discovered after I had helped at some local food banks during one week, was gone about 3 hours one day and 4 the next. The day the chickens were missing, we helped a friend move and were gone quite a bit. The police were called but we were told since there was no real "evidence" other than two chickens gone, the door open, and the trash can pulled a dozen yards out of the shed- there was nothing they could do since we couldn't prove which chickens were ours because "they all look alike", they were no help whatsoever. And ruffed my feathers to boot because of their sort of snickering behind their hands about someone mad about chickens being gone. *glares* Even when the hole was cut, they did agree it looked cut and there were some scuff marks below where it was cut... but they said they wouldn't do any prints or anything because it takes up to 2 years to get prints back unless its a high priority case. So they did the same things both times- took our info, snickered at us, and told us we were effed. Thanks, officers. Appreciate the help.
We have a dog, but she is essentialy ueless as a guard dog because she goes under the house and goes to sleep and doesn't wake up until someone stomp on the porch over her head. UGH! And the coop is at the back of a fully fenced and gated property. I am almost always here (stay at home mom right now) so there are limited times this could have happened. Our bedroom faces the coop and we hear if they get riled up at night and go running out, gun in hand to deal with any predators *evil grin* two or four legged variety! The hole we discovered after I had helped at some local food banks during one week, was gone about 3 hours one day and 4 the next. The day the chickens were missing, we helped a friend move and were gone quite a bit. The police were called but we were told since there was no real "evidence" other than two chickens gone, the door open, and the trash can pulled a dozen yards out of the shed- there was nothing they could do since we couldn't prove which chickens were ours because "they all look alike", they were no help whatsoever. And ruffed my feathers to boot because of their sort of snickering behind their hands about someone mad about chickens being gone. *glares* Even when the hole was cut, they did agree it looked cut and there were some scuff marks below where it was cut... but they said they wouldn't do any prints or anything because it takes up to 2 years to get prints back unless its a high priority case. So they did the same things both times- took our info, snickered at us, and told us we were effed. Thanks, officers. Appreciate the help.
my brother's neighbor's dogs got into his coop and killed 22. he called the sheriff's department to file a report for insurance reasons and to let his neighbors know that he had the right to shoot the dogs if it happened again. he waited 6 hours and they never came, he called them back only to find out it had never been written down, or dispatched.
we have had a lot of problems with our local law inforcement, so he proceeded to tell them how worthless they were. they sent out 3 cruisers and charged him with phone harassment, those cruisers made it in 15 minutes.
my brother's neighbor's dogs got into his coop and killed 22.  he called the sheriff's department to file a report for insurance reasons and to let his neighbors know that he had the right to shoot the dogs if it happened again. he waited 6 hours and they never came, he called them back only to find out it had never been written down, or dispatched.
  we have had a lot of problems with our local law inforcement, so he proceeded to tell them how worthless they were.  they sent out 3 cruisers and charged him with phone harassment, those cruisers made it in 15 minutes.
Figures... Bad cop. No donut.
Quote: Someone I know had a piece of property where part of it was almost inaccessible to him or anyone else without going to great pains to get there it was on the far rear corner of the property of where his home is. Someone went down a rarely used county road hiked about a mile further down from where it becomes inaccesable by vehicle and a quarter mile off the old road bed to his property and was growing pot. He called the local sheriffs office several times without any results. the next year the pot growers came back he called the state police and guess what 2 days later a trooper was at his place and removed the stuff catalouged it and made a report about it so if they came back and the police (or someone else stumbled upon it before he did) the cops would be forced to beileve that he wasn't the one growing it.
"I just LOVE fluffy butts!"
"Didja get the girls tucked in?"
"Quit buggin' me or you'll be dinner!"
"You HAVE to see what Lemon Pepper did!"
"No, I'll check the poop today, I've had it on my mind all morning."
"Kids, go catch supper."
"Don't fish with those worms, my girls can have them for a snack later!"
No, Bad Checker's a Nerf dart is not food! Too late
No, we can't put her in with the others, they might re eat the dart
Do either of you have a dog or some kind of outside camera ? or a alarm on the door or around the coop ?
letting the chickens out seems like a kids prank .
Taking a chicken seems like they want a free chicken for themselves.
Have either of you reported this to the Police ?
Has this happened at night ? I think I would be up at night waiting for them to show...
No, We are working on getting a camera to put up but nothing yet. We do have locks on the pens at night though
Yes, We have reported it several time and they said that they could try to help us get a camera but we are still waiting for the response
Yes, It has happened during the day and night but mostly will we are gone. That's why we bought the locks
. We where gone helping at a concert for 4-5 hours and wile we where gone is when pore Boyo (Creamer) got shot in the head with a BB. Thankfully we weren't gone for a couple days otherwise we might not have Creamer right now
. The BB is still in his head and all vets within about a 2 drive said they can't see chickens.
We think it's the older couple living close to us because they let them out when we where gone for only 15 minutes and they don't talk to us much. Plus we know all of the kids near us and they are good kids.

We are good old fashion rednecks who salve stuff the redneck way and when we do find out who has been hurting them they will have nightmares about coming back here
.Mwa hahahaha

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