Things you never said until you had chickens.......

My new saying is, "I need new egg recipes... Wait..
...Guess I will need to learn how to cook"
and that's when I call my mother

I used to have a book called, 101 Ways to Cook Eggs
"WAIT!!! Don't throw out that smashed tomato; we can give it to the girls for a snack!"

Said many times to friends asking chicken questions: "NO, you do not need a rooster to get only need a rooster if you want fertalized eggs."
Said by my oldest to me

Mom, I think Ninja is a cockerel


Well I went to check for pasty butt and that bloody little bugger flogged me and pecked me

What did you do back?

I pushed him back like 3 times,and he wouldn't stop.

If he wasn't the only rooster I would cull him.

No mom,that's mean I will tame him down and he will be nice won't ya Ninja?(she's holding him)

Ok,just don't come crying to me cause he bled ya!

2 seconds later I hear dang you meanie that was my lip you just pecked. You crazy flipping chicken you must have little chicken syndrome.

Rachele hun what is little chicken syndrome?

He is just mad because he is so tiny and thinks he has to prove something mom that is what lcs is

By this time I am laughing so hard


Ninja is a blue ameraucana that we hatched from a pullet egg that came from Cali,I normally wouldn't attempt to hatch a pullet egg but my husband only bought 6 eggs and 3/6 hatched including the pullet egg Ninja came from and he was first to hatch and is smaller than his 2 hatch mates,but what he lacks in size he makes up for with attitude.
"Yes I have chickens, 8 of them, and yes they have names."

"Save the egg cartons"

"Oh, I could use this as an egg basket!"

"Save the watermelon for the babies!"

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