Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Today : "well stop the Laughing! You could have warned me he was there, or better yet eaten him!!" (What I was thinking... The chickens made this bizarre almost laughing noise when I stepped on a wasp which proceeded to sting me in the arch of my foot!!)
Told the neibors grandsons, "if you catch any scorpions, come over and give them to the chickens. They suck them up like spaghetti noodles" "the chicken coop is a safety zone, if the chicks run inside you have to give them a break from chasing."

Neobors grandsons- can I take Dirty home if mom says I can keep him?
- mom is still thinking about it if I can take some chicks home,
Shes been thinking about it a looooong time, I dont know if shes ever going to finish thinking about it.
- can we take our chicks up in your loft and play with them? (Guest room loft turned clubhouse)
- yes girls are allowed in our clubhouse, and chickens too!
-my chick loves to cuddle with me

I'm going to miss those boys, but the chickens will be relieved.
The other night I was sitting out in the human doorway of the coop and my white crested blue polish jumped on top of my head and started rubbing her head against my hair and proceeded to get caught in my hair. I asked my husband what was going on and he told me oh Dottie May just got her hair stuck in your crest. I asked him while laughing when did I get a crest?

I was talking to my chickens and said, "Come here Spottie and Dike",their names are Dottie and Spike.

I also told my husband that our sliding back door has taught Thad, my frizzle cochin, how to crow. Our back door sounds like nails on a chalk board I have W-D40'ed that door so many times and it still screeches. So now Thad sounds like my back door when he crows.

Henry get off of Drumstick she isn't into you that way!

Gene you better start doing a better job of breaking up the fights between the girls.

Gene if you don't get your fluffy butt down from the top of the coop I will be making you into chicken alfredo! (he had found a place where the netting didn't match up on the top of the run,its fixed now)

Me to my silkie cockerel Bandit Bandit who is your hair stylist,you need to fire her! He is in the ugly stage and has this mohawk going on right now. Don't get me wrong he is adorable but he sure looks funky!
something I never said before I had a chicken addiction:

I will have brussbars if I have to fly to Britain to get them!

im glad my wife is also an addict, and is allowing me to import 6 next year when they are available
I was at my grandmother's house last year, and somehow the topic of my old chickens came up!

She then said how she found out about the chickens... she was on the phone with my mother, and my mother said :

"Hold on, the boys are throwing the chickens." In reference to my brother and his friends seeing if they could fly
We don't exactly live in a neighborhood that seems chicken compliant. It's full of stuffy pretentious old people and has a country club 5 feet from my backyard.
"Alright chill I'm getting the bread! Just let me break it up in pieces." *me saying to my girls trying to tear the plastic bag*

"Shew! I went on vacation and I come back home to a stunck up hen house."

"These fireworks are going to make the girls lay 3-4 eggs tonight" *said last night*

when I am preparing my breakfast .I cube the chicken bread ..then bag it & freeze it ...much easier at treat time..

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