Things you never said until you had chickens.......

hope you have an excellent hatch! My Granddaughter and I have been doing the hatch song and dance for you this morning!

adapted from Piglet's Big Movie song about building Eeyore's house...

"with a friend and a chick or three or four and a coop is built where it wasn't befor-or-or-or-or-or-or-or-ore!"
hope you have an excellent hatch! My Granddaughter and I have been doing the hatch song and dance for you this morning!

adapted from Piglet's Big Movie song about building Eeyore's house...

"with a friend and a chick or three or four and a coop is built where it wasn't befor-or-or-or-or-or-or-or-ore!"
I LOVE Piglet's Big Movie!!!
This morning

Me to my boss: Is it ok if I come in a little late this morning? The lady at the post office called and my babies are here."

Boss just laughed and said sure. Then laughed some more.
How about "dad will you take the rooster outside to go bathroom." (we had an injured rooster that wouldn't go in his pen he would crow and crow until you took him outside)
Lol I have a rooster that talks back to me all the time. I told him off yesterday like I do my kids.... "Capone, if you talk back one more time you're grounded. No treats, no snuggle with Mommy time, and no playing outside! "
LoL I have said similar things before... "Nuh-uh, silly hen... I rule this roost. " After which she got on top of the coop and proceeded to jump on my head with all too evident gusto! Guess I don't rule after all lol

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