Things you never said until you had chickens.......

You stay in your nesting box and you stay in your nesting box! There evrerybod's happy!

hehe... Double broodies!
DH and I: "What's the first thing you think the chicks will do when they see their new home?"

Our 2 and half year old daughter: "Poopie!"

" Wring her neck honey. No crazy chickens allowed!"

"The rooster just growled at me when I bent down to take his picture!"

I show the picture to our 9 year old daughter and she says "Do they have eyebrows cause he looks angry!"
DH and I: "What's the first thing you think the chicks will do when they see their new home?"

Our 2 and half year old daughter: "Poopie!"
" Wring her neck honey. No crazy chickens allowed!"
"The rooster just growled at me when I bent down to take his picture!"

I show the picture to our 9 year old daughter and she says "Do they have eyebrows cause he looks angry!"

hehe. That last one reminds me of my first chicken. Cocott (our VERY aggressive roo) wanted to attack me when I took his photo. He looked angry.
I sent out an email to all I work with asking for 'pumpkin innards' for my chickens saying, " I can only eat so many pumpkins and the girls just LOVE them so."...........Odd, I only got one response
I deliver the mail... and have asked all of my customers who have pumpkins for seasonal decorations just what their plan is for those pumpkins once the season is over... everyone said I could have them... so stoked for my gang!

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